niedziela, 2 marca 2014

Pan wybaczy, wielce szanowny...

...ale jakie było dla interwencji w Libii... przez wzgląd na weekend nie zapytam też o Irak, Syrię, Egipt i Mali...

"Prime Minister David Cameron has said there can be "no excuse" for outside military intervention in Ukraine..."

źródło: "BBC News"

...kompletnie już zagubiony na stare lata w tych nowomodnych racjach...

...moralnych - i to by było na tyle w retorycznej stosowności, w praktyce bowiem - dzięki Bogu kimkolwiek On jest - incydent ukraińsko krymski można uznać jeśli jeszcze nie za zamknięty... na pewno już poprawnie zdefiniowany i domknięty...

"...The tone shifted markedly on Sunday, as Poland and Lithuania called on members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, to invoke a clause in a founding charter that requires the military alliance to consult whenever one of its members feels its security is threatened.

But NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said after a meeting of the North Atlantic Council, the alliance's decision-making body that comprises ambassadors of all 28 allies, that nobody had invoked the clause "at this stage." European heavyweights like Germany and France appeared to rule out any moves that might lead to a widening confrontation with Russia, such as military action or even economic sanctions..."

źródło: "The Wall Street Journal" datowany na March 2, 2014 4:18 p.m. ET

"...German companies had $22 billion in direct investments in Russia in 2013.

"Economic sanctions against Russia would damage Germany itself," said Philipp Missfelder, a senior lawmaker and key ally of Chancellor Merkel. "Sanctions are always bad for Germany as an export-driven nation," he added..."
 - źródło j.w.

...pozostawiając tym samym sobie prowincjonalnych animatorów kiepskiego spektaklu...

źródło: "tvn24"

...z niezapłaconymi póki co do końca rachunkami za nieudaną imprezkę...
