źródło: "Libya Herald"
Gdzie czytamy:
"...“Libya has come a long way in two years,” Hague said, “it has emerged from conflict, held free and fair elections, and opened up space for civil society and new media.” He added that the UK admired these achievements.
Hague said he was proud of the support the UK had been able to give the Libyan people during the revolution and he said it would continue to help Libya build its new state.
“We will stand by the Libyan people as they work to build a secure, free and prosperous future for their country,” said Hague..."
I dalej, ale już w "The Guardian":
źródło: "The Guardian"
"Britain is trying to boost defence equipment sales to Libya by sending a Royal Navy warship to Tripoli to act as a floating shop window for security firms, amid concern in Whitehall that France and Italy are cashing in on the fall of Muammar Gaddafi...
...With a UN arms embargo in place and the Foreign Office regarding Libya as a "country of concern" over human rights abuses, Britain is restricted in what it can sell. Sir John Stanley, chair of the committees on arms export controls, said he expected ministers to adhere to their own criteria when considering arms export licences..."
Ślicznie spuentowane doniesieniem "Reutersa", które przywołuję via "Yahoo! News":
źródło: "Reuters" via "Yahoo! News"
"An Islamist militia linked to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and kicked out of the city by locals is back openly manning checkpoints and building up support promising much-needed security..."