wtorek, 19 kwietnia 2022

...jeśli cokolwiek uwiarygadnia pozór niedorzeczności

 ...nazwania  przy prowincjonalnym kontuarze baru tragedii Ukrainy "wyzwalaczem"[1] 


właśnie artykuł panów Christophera J. Bolana i Joela R. Hillisona[2] /"Modern War Institute" at West Point/...

oczywistością twierdzenia

"... this isn’t your parents’ Cold War.[...]

The Russian invasion of Ukraine might tempt US policymakers to fall back into a Cold War mindset that narrowly focuses on only the ideological and hard power challenges presented by near-peer competitors like Russia and China.
However, such a narrow focus and pining for a simpler ‘with us or against us’ world would be a strategic miscalculation..."
- j.w. /interlinie T.L./

a jeśli ktoś sądzi inaczej to...

...jego wybór

"...Both the Trump administration’s 2017 National Security Strategy and the Biden administration’s Interim National Security Strategic Guidance focus on great power competition. 

This focus has led some to view international developments as a zero-sum game reflective of the strategic logic that drove United States’ foreign policy during the Cold War. 

However, the modern context of competition with Beijing and Moscow is fundamentally different..." tamże...


cena jaką za niego w ostatecznym rozrachunku zapłaci...

...czy to będzie Ukraina, czy na inny sposób Unia Europejska (...)

"...Desperation is the key to understanding what's going on here," a senior official at the Defense Intelligence Agency tells Newsweek. [...] there is an escalation from our side, both in the increasing unity of Europe - including the Scandinavians - and in the billions worth of arms being supplied, including 

for the first time, offensive arms...."Putin's Iskander Missiles Are Battle-Tested—and Can Carry Nuclear Warheads (newsweek.com) /interlinia T.L./

i dalej

zagrożenie pochodzi z rosyjskiej porażki - w oryginale "...the threat comes from the Russian failure..." co tłumacząc z polskiego na nasze znaczy nic ponad jak tylko

mocarstwową "kwadraturę koła"[3] - dla Rosji w tym konflikcie nie jest stroną Ukraina i Zelensky

Unia Europejska z von der Leyen na czele 

czy NATO i jego figurant w roli Sekretarza generalnego


"The White House", "United States Department of State" i "Pentagon"...

kurtuazyjnie nazywający "użytecznych idiotów"...

"...Allies and Partners..." niechby tylko dla odmiany

od rosyjskiej[4]

w swojej doktrynie nuklearnej a.d. 2019... 

[1] "poniedziałek, 28 marca 2022

...Ukraina ?

 ...żaden problem natury militarnej dla Kremla ale...

współcześnie działania armii konwencjonalnych mocarstw pojmowane jako instrument polityczny w skali globalnej to już historia[1]...

natomiast użyte jako...


jak widać na przykładzie Ukrainy i


...dziś dodam; swoistym "wywoływaczem w procesie fotograficznym zmieniającym negatyw w pozytyw"...

[2] "...Dr. Chris Bolan is professor of Middle East security studies at the Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College where he researches and teaches graduate-level courses on US national security, foreign policy, and the Middle East. He is also a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

Dr. Joel Hillison is a professor of national security studies at the US Army War College. He is the author of Stepping Up: Burden-sharing by NATO’s Newest Members and spent three years working in NATO..." - j.w.

[3] "...Określenie „kwadratura koła” [...] w języku potocznym oznacza coś niewykonalnego, z góry skazanego na niepowodzenie..." - za "Wikipedią"

[4] "...On June 2, 2020, [...] Putin signed "Foundations of the State Nuclear Deterrence Policy of the Russian Federation." The policy stated: "The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies, and in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation using conventional weapons which threatens the existence of the state itself..." - j.w. "Putin's Iskander Missiles..." /Newsweek/