czwartek, 14 kwietnia 2022

...jeśli dobrze rozumiem co czytam...

 jeszcze tymczasem tylko przy porannym kubku kawy w poprawności monologu w żadnym razie nie problem

polityków niemieckich, pani Merkel i jej następcy pana Steinmeiera ...

a Wasz Zelensky - ukraiński...

- Teraz ufacie panu Bidenowi, NATO i "Brukseli" ? - życzę powodzenia

...idąc na skróty


"...A successful Russian bid to neutralise Ukraine followed by China’s seizure of Taiwan would be a massive blow for the West, imposing strict geographic limits on its reach. 

Indeed, US commanders have heavily intimated that US involvement in Ukraine is also a deterrence operation against Beijing. 

But, crucially, such  a scenario would utterly demolish the romantic ideas that underpin it – namely the universality of Western values. 

Ukraine then is a do-or-die fight for the West in a way that Putin failed to foresee[1].

Nor have humiliations in the Middle East quashed the West’s weakness for Hollywood heroism. 

Moralistic resolve still inflects its geopolitics. 

Bold adventurism still energises its military posturing. As we have seen over the years, not least in Iraq and Afghanistan, such traits can lead the West to make reckless and deluded decisions..." - j.w. za panią Sherelle Jacobs /interlinie T.L./...

i dalej

"...A growing willingness to test the Kremlin’s red lines indicates that attitudes in Washington have become more cavalier since the Cold War years. Back then the military establishment accepted that nuclear war was a lose-lose. But in recent years, faced with a new arms race with Russia and China, it has shifted to the view that nuclear confrontations can be fought and won. The Pentagon even altered its nuclear doctrine in 2019 affirming such a view..." - tamże...

...cokolwiek to tym zaufaniem dla Ukrainy odmianą może znaczyć...