środa, 10 maja 2017

...można oczywiście i tak...

..."Americans are known the world over for being embarrassing drunks. We’re constantly being told that other countries have a more mature relationship with alcohol, that their collegiate years are not spent chugging cheap grain alcohol and getting sick in communal bathrooms. But in a surprising turn of events, the U.S. is asking diplomats from other countries to lay off the booze, according to Reuters. At least during United Nations budget debates.

Joseph Torsella, deputy U.S. ambassador to the United Nations for management and reform, came to the General Assembly’s budget committee with a “modest proposal that the negotiating rooms should in the future be an inebriation-free zone.”..." - j.n.

źródło: "Observer" - "Drinkink Games, DrUNk! U.S. Wants Wasted Diplomats Banned From U.N. Budget Debates" by Kim Velsey z datowaniem na 03/05/13 

...ale to zbyt proste i łatwe...

...dlatego wolę inaczej...

...mogę nie "kochać" partii pana Kaczyńskiego...

...jak i nie "kocham" "Platformy Obywatelskiej" ani nikogo innego z odpadów socjologicznych po bywszym PRLu robiących współcześnie  z przypadku  za nadwiślańskie elity...

...ale znam swoje miejsce w sytuacji choćby takiej, jak taka...

...kiedy to na wpół przytomne towarzystwo wzajemnej adoracji samo unurzane po uszy w euroatlantyckim wychodku...

...wskazuje palcem na moją Ojczyznę...

...i wola gromkim głosem...

- Coś tu śmierdzi !..


...nazbyt emocjonalne ?..

...raz, „...to nie mój problem, tylko mój blog...

...osobisty, jak podpaska higieniczna...” ( https://tadeusz-ludwiszewski.blogspot.com/2014/04/w-czasach-swietnosci-cywilizacji.html )...

...a dwa, to proszę bardzo - bez emocji i w temacie (...)...

...”... Lesson 3: The French Fifth Republic has rebounded, but the Front National is no longer a fringe party

The single most important lesson from this election is the weakening of one unwritten rule of the French model: the “cordon sanitaire” imposed against the FN. By securing its first-ever political endorsement from a conservative politician — Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, a dissident Gaullist — the FN has consolidated as a mainstream party. Similarly, the radical left-wing Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s refusal to join the “republican front” against the extreme right contributed to further normalizing the FN.

Not surprisingly, in her concession speech, Marine Le Pen announced a new political movement to carry her cause onward. It is too early to tell what her plans are exactly, but she has definitely carved a niche for herself. It seems likely that she will finally be able to break completely free from the shadow of her father (and her father’s party, the FN) by becoming a mainstream actor…”
– j.n.

źródło: "The Washington Post" - "Monkey Cage" Analysis

...co w żadnym razie nie jest lekcją czegokolwiek dla mnie...

...a powinno nią być po części dla formacji politycznej pana Kaczyńskiego...

...nie wspominając o współcześnie nadwiślańskich pogrobowcach...

...przedwojennego „Obozu Narodowo - Radykalnego”...