wtorek, 9 lutego 2016

…tym razem więcej, niż tylko…

…w okazjonalnym zacytowaniu za „The New York Times”…

„…Central Europe’s resentment toward Germany in many respects is similar to the resentment of second-generation Turkish immigrants in Germany today.

Unlike the first generation of immigrants, who were eager to prove their utility to the host state, the second generation, while better integrated, expresses humiliation at having to imbibe the norms of others. Many in this second generation have graduated from German schools and were socialized in Germany, but they are using their education and freedom to grapple with their complex identities, and chafing under parental and social pressure to conform. These children of immigrants don’t dream of returning to their familial or national past. But they are eager to make their way, and frustrated by the prospect of being second-class citizens…”

“…This is what’s happening in Central Europe. The first generation of post-Communist governments and leaders were obsessed with being better Europeans than even Westerners — more liberal, more loyal to the European Union, more ready to sacrifice national interests for European values. Only a few years ago, Central Europeans trusted Brussels more than their own governments…”

“…If Central Europeans have learned anything from the implosion of the Soviet Union and Tito’s Yugoslavia, it’s that in the absence of war, the collapse of empire begins on the periphery, but ends only when the center revolts. It was Russia’s decision to exit from the Soviet Union (not the Baltic republics’ aspiration to become independent) that buried the Soviet Union. So, too, Germany’s change of heart about Central Europe may represent the final straw of the European Union as we know it...”

źródło: „The New York Times” - "Will Germany Give Up on Integration?" by Ivan Krastev

...bowiem jak pięknoduchom wypada nie wiedzieć tego, czy owego...

...lub wiedząc pomijać milczeniem...

...ale w zamian ofiarowując czytelnikom inne walory...

źródło: "lewica24" -"Mentalna bariera" z cyklu "Ludzie i polityka" piórem pani Agaty Czarnackiej

...kompensujące niedosyt poznawczy idący w parze z brakiem intelektualnej satysfakcji...

...tak przesądzający sprawowaniem władzy o losach milionów w żadnym razie nie mogą sobie na to pozwolić...

...z oczywistych powodów...