...jak choćby, że taką rzeczywistość mamy, jaki jej kształt nadają współcześni liderzy; czy to będzie prezydent, premier, minister...
źródło: "The Slates" - "More Than 40 World Leaders Head Up Massive Paris March" by Daniel Politi
...w końcu neorenesansowy lider nowej generacji uczonych...
"Mark LeVine is a leader of the new generation of scholars of the modern Middle East and Islam, Globalization, and Popular Culture, and an award winning musician who has performed with many world renown artists..."
...i dalej...
"...I try to be as inter-disciplinary as possible, combining the latest theoretical and methodological advances in fields such as history, anthropology, sociology, political science, comparative literature and cultural studies with a strong grounding in classical texts and the European intellectual history..."
źródło: "Mark LeVine biography" i "Hevy Metal Islam" (collage by T.L.)
źródło: "...a co by było, gdyby..." by T.L.
...sięgającego po miecz sprawiedliwości za zbrodnie popełnione przez Europejczyków na Muzułmanach jeśli już nie w czasach mrocznego średniowiecza...
...to piórem pana Abdullaha Al-Ariana Oświecenia i francuskich encyklopedystów to i owszem...
While one can defend the right of satirists, government officials, and philosophers to espouse such beliefs - the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie became a popular means of expressing solidarity with the magazine in the hours after the attack - in the face of this history, it should become clear that in the case of cultural production, context always matters. Destructive policies cannot be pursued successfully without the vocabulary and imagery of racism and hatred of the other..."
...nie wspominając o teraźniejszości, kiedy to rozbestwiony neoliberalizm wespół z rozwydrzonym jihadem skazuje innocence of Muslims na duchowy i materialny niebyt w piekle nie tylko europejskiego raju...
"...Neo-liberalism and jihadism are in fact happy bedfellows (the famous Charlie Hebdo cover of an Islamist and a secular Frenchman kissing would have more accurately depicted a banker, not a hipster.)
Both are rapidly anti-democratic, support the concentration of wealth and power, and draw much of their strength from violence, war and a manageable level of chaos that keep oil prices high and petrodollars recycled via everything from fancy weapons to even fancier real estate..."
collage by T.L. od lewej "Al-Jazeera": "Charlie Hebdo and western liberalism" by Abdullah Al-Arian
i "Why Charlie Hebdo attack is not about Islam" by Mark LeVine
...cóż, jak widać jeśli nie wszyscy, to wielu z nas faktycznie nie tylko w Paryżu, ale i Doha może o sobie powiedzieć...
..."Je suis Charlie"... (...)
...i nie wygląda na to, by akurat w XXI wieku miało być inaczej...
...tak sądzę...