poniedziałek, 8 września 2014

...różnica pomiędzy ekspresją a przesadą...

...zawiera się między innymi i w tym, że ta pierwsza uplastycznia obraz, natomiast ta druga deformuje, jak ma to miejsce w prezentacji piórem pani Minnii Salami skądinąd ciekawego tematu...

"...In fact, the EU was set up in the first place to protect colonial interests. Rather than to prevent wars, as is widely believed, the idea of an European Union emerged after European powers being humiliatingly sidelined by the US and Russia following the Suez Canal crisis. The EU’s founders knew that Europe had to unite in order to remain relevant. The only thing they lacked was resources, which Africa, or rather "Eurafrica", had plenty of..." - źrodło j.n. "Al Jazeera", "The EU's 'Eurafrica' roots"

...prezentacji dopełnionej tu akurat sytuacyjnym zbiegiem okoliczności artykułem pana Pape Samba Kane...

źródło: "Al Jazeera" - "Mali: The forgotten war", "The EU's 'Eurafrica' roots"

...w którym autor nie tylko pyta pisząc między innymi...

"...As Mali fell into a media blackout, France announced it was reorganising its military presence into "Operation Barkhane". No one seems to be asking why the French are still there, how long they will stay and more importantly - doesn't their intervention constitute a form of neo-imperialism?.."

...ale i odpowiada sam sobie nie bez racji...

"...Just after "mission accomplished" was announced on "Operation Serval", Holland took a trip into the region, getting reassuring support from heads of state for his anti-terrorism campaign. The "terrorist threat" is a great opportunity for France to put its hands on West Africa again militarily, politically and, even economically. The US, of course, is in with the French, supporting them and even lending another friendly drone operation from Niger's capital.

As France is expanding its military control of the region, there are few who are objecting or ringing an alarm bell warning that the colonial "master" has come back."

...w przeoczeniu, że dziś obecność armii francuskiej w byłych koloniach Francji znajduje swoje uzasadnienie w zaproszeniu jej przez rządy poszczególnych państw...

"...In July, France signed a new defence agreement with Mali, which would allow it to maintain a considerable military presence in the country. The agreement's eleven pages of mostly general statements say that French military troops and civil servants will be allowed to stay in Mali, build military bases, operate, if needed, with Malian troops, etc., for the next five years. The five years term, as written in the document, is renewable.

With this agreement Mali has started to reverse the decolonialisation project of its first president Modibo Keïta, who made sure the last French soldier departed his country in 1961. Keita was a firm nationalist and while almost all the newly independent West African countries at that time signed defence pacts with their former "master", he only consented to an agreement on economic and cultural cooperation with France. Keita didn't allow French military bases or troops on Malian soil..."
 - źrodło j.w. "Al Jazeera" - "Mali: The forgotten war"

...w złudnej nadziei powtarzalności czasów kolonialnej stabilizacji, ładu i poczuciu bezpieczeństwa...

...nie wspominając o zachowaniu współcześnie niczym nie zagrożonej władzy...

...piszę sobie a Muzom pomijając fragmenty, które treścią w wirtualnym monologu nie tylko należny uznać za pobożne życzenia, ale nawet między bajki można włożyć...

"...Yet, the barriers for an equal partnership between the EU and African nations are not insurmountable..." - źródło j.w. "The EU's 'Eurafrica' roots"

...i to nawet nie dlatego, że...

"...Nor is this to suggest that African nations are not complicit in sub-imperialist agendas..." - źródło j.w.

...a powodów w stosowności nie tylko poprawności politycznej należnych przemilczenia...
