czwartek, 18 września 2014

...pan Steven Rosenberg, człowiek wszechstronnie uzdolniony... - jak piszą - nie tylko moskiewski korespondent szacownej niegdyś BBC, ale i koncertujący pianista w jednej osobie...

"...Rosenberg played the piano to former Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev after an interview." - źródło: "Wikipedia"

...może jeszcze nie z narażeniem życia, ale zdrowia to już tak...

"...It is a hugely sensitive subject.

That may explain what happened to our news team after the interview with Oksana.

As we were leaving her village we were stopped by traffic police.

Our car boot was checked, as were our identities.

We drove on to Astrakhan, 40 miles away, for lunch.

When we left the cafe and approached our vehicle, we were confronted and attacked by at least three aggressive individuals.

Our cameraman was knocked to the ground and beaten.

The attackers grabbed the BBC camera, smashed it on the road and took it away in their getaway car.

We spent more than four hours at the police station being questioned by investigators...


...The hard drive of our main computer and several memory cards had been wiped clean.

Fortunately we had uploaded the interview to London earlier in the day..."

źródło: "BBC News Europe"

...nie cofnie się przed dochodzeniem prawdy należnej jego zdaniem ujawnienia światu nawet znad grobów Bogu ducha winnych, uwikłanych w mroczne meandry politycznych labiryntów zawsze przecież czyichś synów, braci, narzeczonych, mężów, ojców w końcu tylko znajomych z okolicy...

...a czy tak do końca w zgodzie z Kodeksem Dziennikarstwa BBC (Producers’ Guidelines), to już nie mnie rozsądzać...

"...Programy BBC powinna cechować dokładność i rzetelność. Przy czym dokładność to coś więcej niż tylko zgodne z prawdą fakty. Trzeba umieć wyważyć wszelkie dostępne informacje, aby dotrzeć do sedna prawdy o tym, o czym opowiadamy lub co opisujemy."

źródło: "BBC Redakcja Polska"

...sam bowiem podlegam osądowi prowadząc publiczny w końcu zapis swoich wirtualnych monologów snutych na marginesach cytatów (czyli - jak by nie patrzyć - swoistych faktów)  przypisując im tym mniej lub bardziej świadomie znaczenia nie zawsze zapewne zgodne z intencjami ich autorów...

"The United States last declared war many wars ago, on June 5, 1942 (...) 

Today’s issue is not whether to declare war but only whether the president should even seek congressional authorization for the protracted use of force against the Islamic State.(...)

He spent seven months bombing Libya without congressional authorization and without complying with the War Powers Resolution. His lawyers argued that thousands of airstrikes, which professor Jack Goldsmith of Harvard Law School notes “killed thousands of people and effected regime change,” did not constitute “hostilities.” Professor Ilya Somin of George Mason University School of Law says, “Claims that large-scale air attacks don’t count as warfare were specious when the administration trotted them out in defense of its intervention in Libya in 2011; and they have not improved with age."

Goldsmith says Obama has become “a matchless war-powers unilateralist” who “removed all practical limits” on presidential war-making when exercised, as in Libya, for proclaimed “humanitarian ends.”

źródło: "The Washington Post" by George F. Will

...sobie a Muzom...