sobota, 30 sierpnia 2014 marginesie depeszy "Reutersa"...

...donoszącej z Brukseli...

"Aug 30 (Reuters) - Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, chosen by European Union leaders to chair their summits, said on Saturday that it was possible to combine fiscal discipline and economic growth in Europe.

He also pledged to address the concerns of Britain, where Prime Minister David Cameron has promised a referendum on continued EU membership by 2017..."

źródło: "Reuters"

...pozwolę sobie zacytować przekaz "ITAR-TASS" z dnia wczorajszego...

“...If contemporary European leaders are far from showing independence, it does not mean that the trend itself is dead,” he added. Putin believes that striving for more independence and sovereignty and a desire to have one’s own opinion and defend one’s own stance will keep gaining momentum in European societies. “Regrettably, not all our colleagues in the West have noticed this trend,” the Russian leader stressed..."

źródło: "ITAR-TASS News Agency"

...w wirtualnym monologu prowincjonalnego poety barowego nieustająco tylko sobie a Muzom dopełnionym tym razem zastrzeżeniem, że pisanym bez intencji pomniejszania wagi problemów natury gospodarczej Zjednoczonej Europy...

źródło: "The Washington Post"
