piątek, 7 września 2012

Ach, te drobiazgi…

„…Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced Friday that she had signed a report to Congress that says the network meets the criteria for a terrorist designation. The U.S. says it will also urge other countries to freeze any assets linked to the militant group..”

I dalej:

"...The group (Haqqani), which has ties to the Taliban and al-Qaida, is reportedly based in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal area. It is also believed to have close ties with elements of Pakistani intelligence — a charge Pakistani officials have rejected..."

źródło: "Voice of America"

I wszystko byłoby jasne, gdyby nie pewien drobiazg:

„ The Haqqani network is an insurgent group fighting against US-led NATO forces and the government of Afghanistan. Originating in Afghanistan during the mid-1970s, it was nurtured by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) during the 1980s Soviet war in Afghanistan.[4] Maulvi Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son Sirajuddin Haqqani lead the group, which operates on both sides of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border; but U.S. officials believe it is based in Pakistan's Waziristan tribal frontier.[5] It is allied with the Taliban.[6][7][1]…” (źródło: “Wikipedia”)

Ach, te drobiazgi…

Ten przywołał z zakamarków mojej pamięci pewien gejowski dowcip: „…jaka druga randka ?!”