niedziela, 27 lutego 2022

...cóż z tego ?

 ..."...even Putin’s most outrageous claim about Ukraine’s capacity to develop nuclear weapons and threaten Russia is no more farcical than Washington’s claim about Saddam Hussein developing weapons of mass destruction, as a pretext to invade faraway Iraq, which Biden, then a senator, supported..." - j.n.


co komu po tym ?...

 nieustającym tańcu "Pow-wow"[1] i w Europie

i za Atlantykiem...

"At a principals meeting in the White House situation room, Secretary of State John Kerry began arguing, vociferously, for immediate U.S. airstrikes against airfields under the control of Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian regime...

...It was at this point that the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the usually mild-mannered Army General Martin Dempsey, spoke up, loudly. According to several sources, Dempsey threw a series of brushback pitches at Kerry, demanding to know just exactly what the post-strike plan would be and pointing out that the State Department didn’t fully grasp the complexity of such an operation..." (źródło: "Bloomberg" by Jeffrey Goldberg - Jun 18, 2013)

"Yesterday, shortly after I posted a column on Secretary of State John Kerry’s push to have the White House approve U.S. strikes on Syrian airfields -- and how Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey pushed back strongly against the idea -- I heard from a number of people who support Kerry’s stance and think that the Pentagon is being unnecessarily timid.

(I myself am one of the approximately three columnists in the U.S. who don’t know exactly what President Barack Obama ought to do in Syria. On the one hand, the Syrian civil war represents a humanitarian nightmare and an acute strategic challenge; on the other, I don’t think the U.S. is capable of mediating a Sunni-Shiite civil war, and so shouldn’t try)..." - źródło j.w. "Post sematyczny..."

..."...Vladimir Putin merely shrugged and pointed a finger at the Ukrainian government and, by extension, its Western allies. 


has played this game before. He need only bide his time for the West’s own inaction to clear him..." - j.w.

"...[Putin's] Success is inevitable because Biden and the allies have made it clear that Moscow will not meet military resistance from the West. Over and over Biden has told the American people the U.S. will not fight on the ground in Ukraine. He knows the public has no stomach for it..." - j.w.

...cokolwiek ten "...success..." jak i dla Rosji

tak i Europy - o Ameryce nie wspominając - będzie znaczył...

...znamiennym tym razem w "Newsweeku" cytatem[2]...

"...He [Putin] recalled how coldly then President Bill Clinton responded to his query, not long after he became President of Russia in 2000, about whether Moscow could ever be a member of NATO. He recalled, bitterly, how he was assured that NATO's expansion eastward - to include countries that had been members of the Warsaw Pact, Moscow's former client states - would "only improve their relations with us, even create a belt of states friendly to Russia.

Everything," Putin said, "turned out exactly the opposite. They were just words." - j.w.