sobota, 26 lutego 2022

"As hope dies, hypocrisy lives...


That equation, of sorts, came to mind as I watched with a depressing mixture of grief, sadness and dread Russia’s invasion of Ukraine occur in real time on TV.


It has been astounding to watch an American president and a British prime minister and their surrogates at the UN and alike condemn Russia for violating supposedly sacrosanct and binding charters and international law when American and British foreign policy has, for generations, been a ruinous reflection of haughty contempt for those same charters and laws.

History is replete with countries and peoples who have paid and continue to pay dearly and collectively for the decisions made by American presidents and British prime ministers – in particular – to dismiss diplomacy in favour of force and “regime change”.

It is astounding to hear an American president and a British prime minister and their surrogates proclaim their fulsome defence of Ukraine’s “territorial integrity” when American presidents and British prime ministers have – in particular – treated the “territorial integrity” of scores of other sovereign nations as an inconvenience to their imperial designs.

Examples of British and American “exceptionalism” abound – Vietnam, Cambodia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Panama, Chile, Venezuela, Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan and, of course, Iraq and many more.

It is astounding to listen to an American president and a British prime minister caution Putin to avoid making a “historic mistake” when an American president and a British prime minister rejected the exact (and prescient) advice offered earlier this century by a slew of diplomats at the UN Security Council and millions of anti-war protesters who were then smeared as naïve quislings in the service of a dangerous autocrat.

As a corollary to this, it is astounding to read opinion columns published by leading British and American newspapers – that have often provided the imprimatur of their editorial pages as cover for illegal invasions and coups – titled “The West Must Show Putin How Wrong He Is To Choose War”.

It is astounding to watch American and British cable news personalities decry the Russian military’s cruise missile-fuelled campaign of “shock and awe” as evidence of Putin’s malignant designs when they watched in silent and sometimes celebratory awe as American and British forces unleashed “shock and awe” in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Finally, it is astounding to watch Western politicians and commentators rush with a sprinter’s speed to demand that crushing sanctions immediately be imposed on the Russian “regime” and Putin’s enablers inside and outside the Duma when these Western politicians and commentators cackle like angry donkeys when human rights groups suggest sanctions be imposed against other regimes found to be guilty of apartheid.

From where I write, hope that once appeared to be within reach is on the verge of extinction. Meanwhile, hypocrisy, as always, thrives." - by Andrew Mitrovica "Al Jazeera" columnist...

...dobrą intencją jaskrawym nadużyciem prawa do cytatu w kontynuacji wczorajszego monologu... 

darując sobie tym razem zwyczajowe

" dobry początek kolejnego weekendu" - tego i

każdego kolejnego możliwego z mojej perspektywy
