niedziela, 27 lutego 2022

...nie dalej jak w piątek

zacytowałem za panem Ragozinem...

"...for many in the hawkish circles, an aggressive and isolated Russia is a milking cow that secures their salaries and lucrative contracts..." - j.n. 

i usłyszałem

- Udowodnij - proszę bardzo...

"Anders Fogh Rasmussen was NATO Secretary General (2009-2014)..." - j.n.

opatrzone przez "Newsweeka" stosownym

"The views expressed in this article are the writer's own." - j.w.

dopowiadając co jest do dopowiedzenia

"... Who will stop him?[1] Surely not the senile leader of a political party that counts the promotion of transgender rights and the dissemination of the civilizational arson that is critical race theory as its seemingly highest political priorities..." - j.w.

i dalej

"...The American national interest is not necessarily tremendously affected, one way or the other, by the fate of the Donbas. Our Central and European allies would strongly prefer Ukraine and Belarus (a Russian puppet state, as presently governed) be kept intact as buffer zones. 

But Ukraine - like Russia, a deeply corrupt and oligarchy-driven society - is not a NATO member. 

There are crucial legal, strategic, cultural and historical differences between Russian tanks rolling into the Donbas, on the one hand, or rolling into Warsaw or Budapest, on the other hand. 

What's more, if one takes seriously the hysterical shrieks of "liberal democracy is on the line!" that have recently become a cable news talking-head staple, it is curious that even our foremost Western European allies seem asleep at the wheel. Where, exactly, are the British and the French?..." - j.w. /interlinie T.L./

...po kres wszystkiego ? - oby nie...

[1] w oryginale "...One readily imagines Chinese President Xi Jinping fondly looking out over the Taiwan Strait, salivating over the prospect of reunifying the Republic of China with the People's Republic of China. Who will stop him?..."