czwartek, 8 lipca 2021

..."Gwiezdne Wojny", nauki mistrza Obi-Wan Kenobi...

 ...świetlisty miecz konstytucjonalistów ?...

- A gdzie zapodział się pani profesor "Harry Potter" - pomyślałem...

nie tracąc nadziei - pewnie innym razem...

pozwolę sobie napisać bowiem...

u mnie na "jego miejscu" i "miejscu" "Gwiezdnych Wojen"...

...w tej kwestii  /jak i innych praktyką monologów prowincjonalnego poety.../...

stoi "Encyclopædia Britannica"...

..."...In itself, the notion of the rule of law is not a faithful description of any state of affairs but a complex ideal that is even more complex to realize. 

Thus, there is reason to be skeptical about whether societies necessarily benefit from all that might be invoked under the term. 

The independence of the judiciary, for instance, is clearly a problem if the independence is misused to foster the sectoral privileges of judicial personnel or to allow unchallenged interpretations of the law. 


Critics of a strictly formal conception of the rule of law argue that too much attention to legal process generates significant vices of its own in the form of exaggerated legalism and neglect of the political or real-world dimensions of legal conflicts. 

Excessive veneration of the law and legal procedures may be too costly if it inhibits independent social assessments of the merits of a given policy proposal or if the official mandate of “blindness” gives legitimacy to actions performed “according to the law” even when most people would oppose such acts. 

Some writers have charged, moreover, that the increasing domain of judges and lawyers—indeed, their encroachment into areas previously left to politicians and the electorate—entails the loss of much that is politically and democratically valuable..."[1]...

przypadkiem w niezamierzonym /ile można ?.../ monologu z nadwiślańskim autorytetem...

[1] rule of law | Definition, Implications, Significance, & Facts | Britannica likuję korzystając z dobrodziejstw Internetu...