wtorek, 8 czerwca 2021

...choć akurat taki finał tragedii

 ...Syrii[1] i osobiście

jej Prezydenta, pana Bashara al-Assada wydawał się w monologach prowincjusza snutych wirtualnie w okolicach 2012 roku i

przez kolejne lata po nim

najmniej prawdopodobny[2]

to dziś czytając...

"...“The prevailing attitude can be defined as, ‘times have changed, the Arab Spring is history and the region is transitioning towards a new future, with new geopolitical characteristics,’” the official, who himself recently reconciled with Damascus after defecting to the Syrian opposition in the summer of 2011, added..." - j.w.

mogę tylko napisać - przepraszam jeśli kogoś obrażę nadużyciem jako niewierny

subḥāna llāhi...

"...According to the official, “MBS instructed his team to reassure Syria that he does not want regime change against Bashar, and that Syria, as a brotherly Arab nation, should naturally be close to Saudi Arabia”.

The official claimed this was “clearly also intended as a signal” to the Iranian leadership that Riyadh “recognises that the side of the war in which … [Iran] most heavily invested won, and that it will not try to challenge that reality”.

The official, while refusing to confirm, also alluded to the possibility of an Iranian presence at the Damascus meeting, saying, “let’s just say the Iranians were immediately very welcoming to what they heard”..."...

życząc zainteresowanym powodzenia

[1] powinienem napisać "Arabskiej Wiosny" ale tu poprzestanę na Syrii (...)

[2] "...From the Syrian conflict’s earliest days, Saudi Arabia had been a key player in supporting the proxy war aimed at toppling al-Assad. Riyadh supplied an array of local rebel groups with finances and weaponry, including US-made anti-tank missiles, as part of the effort. The campaign faltered following larger counter-interventions by al-Assad’s chief foreign patrons, Russia and Iran..." j.w.