..."Polska natrafia na utrudnienia w dostępie do rynku chińskiego - oświadczyła premier Beata Szydło..." - j.n.
źródło: "Gazeta Prawna PL"
...to pamiętając, co czytałem w ubiegły piątek pod datą 24 listopada tego roku na stronie "China Daily" na trzy dni przed spotkaniem szefów rządów 16 państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Chin w Budapeszcie...
..."Warsaw region can become an aviation and railway hub, former prime minister says
Waldemar Pawlak, who served as Poland's prime minister twice in the 1990s, was a European pioneer in engaging China by putting his country, the biggest in Central and Eastern Europe, on the regional chessboard..." - j.n.
źródło: "China Daily"
...i dalej...
..."..."If you look at general aspects of Chinese activity in the last five years, I think what stands out is the active leadership of President Xi," says Pawlak.
"This is very important today, because the world needs stabilization."
He adds, "If we look at the Chinese situation, I think President Xi has created a better balance between development, social evolution and economy.
"When I read the book The Governance of China by President Xi, for me, it is very interesting because many elements of this book are dedicated to the best governance of Chinese institutions and the Chinese economy," he says." - j.w.
...pozwolę sobie sądzić w amatorsko prowincjonalnej kompetencji sinologoczno politologicznej poety barowego, że...
...to nie tyle Polska natrafia na utrudnienia w wzajemnych relacjach z Chinami, a...
...jej rząd reprezentowany przez panią premier Beatę Szydło...
...próbujący stać w ekwilibrystycznym rozkroku jedną nogą w...
...a drugą w...
...dopowiedzeniem uogólnionym...
..."...CEECs [tu kraje Europy Środkowo Wschodniej] should, in their talks with China, insist on an innovative approach that will lead to expansion of regional cooperation by promoting unimpeded trade and investment facilitation, increasing the speed of and raising the quality of regional economic flow, and enhancing monetary circulation.
A win-win strategy is achievable, but it will require goodwill and sincere commitment to share responsibilities in adopting plans and measures for mutually beneficial progress of the region.
The author [pani Ivona Ladjevac] is head of the regional center for the Belt and Road Initiative at the Institute of International Politics and Economics in the Republic of Serbia..." - j.n.
...z niejednoznacznym w tym przypadku dopiskiem zwyczajowo odredakcyjnym na koniec...
..."...The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily." - j.n.