czwartek, 18 maja 2017

...w wirtualnym monologu z panią Justyną Segeš Frelak...

...cytatem pewien, że jako...

..."...visiting researcher w Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) w Oksfordzie...." - źródło:,56,58.html

źródło: "na:Temat"

...przeczyta bez pomocy translatora "Google"...

..."..."In all fairness, it is the strict responsibility of the immigrants to adhere to the set laws of the land of which country they wish to enter and settle. Any and all of those who decide to settle into a nation which is not their home land have the responsibility of learning the local language, their laws, their traditions and their social standards as well as registering with their department of immigration before they are granted (any) human rights what so ever.  

Without doing so places them in direct and blatant disregard for the natives of the lands they are settling. It is as though the immigrant’s have zero respect for those who founded the nation they wish to move into. Disrespectful immigrants need to be jailed and tossed to the borders without water or food and let them find their own way back to the lands from which they came from.  

Global compassion is a great idea but the (Forced Globalism) we are dealing with today is nothing short of foolish ideas coming from the U.N. for the sake of creating a world standard of compatibility and it is not working. The world needs to eradicate the U.N. and start over with a new standard of Sovereign Global Compliance between nations rather than trying to forcefully mix the pot and make people who do not get along, live in the same districts! " - źródło: Washington Post" , "French Muslims feel deeply torn by viral ‘I am Charlie’ slogan" by Anthony Faiola via

...nie pytając, czy zrozumie... i kogo...

..."...A tymczasem problem uchodźców to z punktu widzenia Polski cały czas problem marginalny. Potwierdza to Justyna Segeš Frelak, kierownik programu polityki migracyjnej w Instytucie Spraw Publicznych. 

– W porównaniu z takimi krajami jak Grecja, Niemcy czy Szwecja w Polsce nie ma problemu uchodźców. Nie dość, że niewiele osób składa w ogóle wnioski o ochronę międzynarodową, to jesteśmy traktowani z wielu względów jako kraj tranzytu do innych państw UE. Większość uchodźców w trakcie procedury po prostu opuszcza Polskę – mówi w rozmowie z naTemat ekspertka..." - j.w.