czwartek, 4 lutego 2016

…w oczywistości niepodlegającego dyskusji faktu...

„Germany's AfD began life as an anti-euro party, but it has morphed into a right-wing populist outfit suggesting that police should be allowed to shoot migrants seeking to enter the country…”

…i dalej…

“…Despite the uproar over chairwoman Frauke Petry's comments over the weekend, the reality is that the party is enjoying its biggest support since its birth, scoring a record 12 percent on a public opinion poll published Sunday by the tabloid-style Bild newspaper…”

…domknięte komentarzem czytelnika zamieszczonym pod agencyjnym doniesieniem…

„I just watched a video of some German girls get pushed into a subway to be gang raped by a horde of Rapeugees on New Year's Eve. Who is it that are coming to the aid of these girls? Not the feminists. Feminism goes out the window when it comes to these Rapefugees raping white girls because the rapefugees are a protected class. Not the police as they try to cover up all crimes against the rapefugees. Not the government, it is nothing but the enforcers of anti-white political correctness. It is the evil nationalist and far-right parties that are the only hope for the girls and women of Sweden, Germany and France.”

źródło: "AFP" - "German populist party eyes gains despite 'shoot the migrants' uproar" by Eloi Rouyer via "Yahoo! News"

…w żenującym prowincjusza przypomnieniu tym razem w żadnym razie sobie a Muzom, że…

...wspólnota państwowa, to nie instytucja powołana do tego, by czynić woluntarystyczne dobro...

...lecz po to, by miedzy innymi (jeśli nie przede wszystkim) chronić swoich obywateli przed nieprzychylnym im z przyrodzonej istoty światem...

…o czym starają się jeszcze nie zapominać rządzący…

…na antypodach…

„Australia's High Court has ruled that the government's offshore detention of refugees is legal, sparking an outcry from the UN and human rights groups.

The verdict, announced on Wednesday, paves the way for 267 asylum-seekers currently in Australia to be deported to the Pacific island of Nauru.

The group includes 39 children as well as 33 babies who were born in Australia…”

źródło: "Al Jazeera" - "Australia court: Imprisoning refugees offshore is legal" by Al Jazeera Staff |

...i w Izraelu...

źródło: "International Business Times" - "Israel allegedly sending African migrants to other countries through 'secretive deals'" by Priyanka Mogul

"...Israel has been accused of 'sending African migrants' [illegal] to other countries through secret deals that could be in breach of international law. The BBC has said they gathered evidence of the deal after speaking to migrants sent to Rwanda and Uganda.

BBC's Kathy Harcombe reported that migrants were held in a detention centre for 12 months before being given the choice between returning to their country or being sent to a third country in Africa. The BBC alleges that migrants who refuse either option could be sent to prison indefinitely..." - źródło j.w.

…ale już nie pomiędzy Bugiem i Kanałem La Manche…

„…Polska zobowiązała się w ciągu dwóch lat przyjąć ok. 7 tys. uchodźców, z czego maksymalnie 400 jeszcze w tym roku. Pierwsze relokowane osoby mają trafić do naszego kraju już wkrótce z Grecji i Włoch…” – źródło: „Newsweek Polska” 

…w oczywistości niepodlegającego dyskusji faktu, że kwestia teoretycznie humanitarna została przez uzurpatorów sprowadzona do poziomu…

„…daj kurze grzędę…”
