czwartek, 12 czerwca 2014

...a co tam słychać w the monkey cage mondialnego zoologu...

...pomyślałem znudzony w końcu co nieco bieżącymi zdarzeniami na nadwiślańskiej prowincji...

...i nie powiem żeby mnie coś szczególnie zachwyciło...

...stare, zgrane numery w nieustającym dokolusia danse macabre...

źródło: "Dokolusia Danse Macabre…" by T.L.

"...Maliki wants U.S. military aid, from helicopters to airstrikes, to fight the ISIS advance. Many in Washington will want to offer assistance to save Iraq from complete collapse. But at the same time, U.S. policymakers understand from painful experience that such military aid will simply enable Maliki’s autocratic sectarianism and allow him to avoid making any serious concessions. Yes, the United States should try to use this moment of leverage to attach political conditions to any military aid. But such leverage is going to face an obvious problem: It will be virtually impossible to force any meaningful political moves in the midst of an urgent crisis, and any promises made now will quickly be forgotten once the crisis has passed..."

źródło: "The Monkey Cage"

"...Radosław Sikorski stwierdził, że Władimir Putin swoimi działaniami zmusił państwa Zachodu do podjęcia decyzji: czy opowiadają się za demokracją na Ukrainie na wzór europejski, czy chcą tam systemu oligarchicznego podobnego do rosyjskiego..."

źródłu: ", gdybym to tylko ja to czytał..." by T.L.

"...What is happening in Iraq is an illustration of the total failure of the adventure undertaken primarily by the U.S. and Britain and which they have let slip completely out of control," Lavrov was quoted by Russian state news agencies as saying.

Lavrov said Russia had long warned that the intervention would not end well, and now fears that the unity of Iraq is at risk..."

...i dalej...

"...On Wednesday night, the North Atlantic Council, the primary political decision-making body of the U.S.-led NATO alliance, met in Brussels for "a purely informational meeting" sought by Turkey, so Turkey could inform the other allies about the situation in Iraq, Rasmussen said. Some Turkish nationals have been taken captive in Iraq.

"I strongly condemn the violence we have seen in Iraq and the hostages taken. Our thoughts are with the hostages, their families and loved ones," Rasmussen said. "We urge the hostage takers to release the hostages immediately. Nothing can justify this criminal act."

źródło: "AP by John-Thor Dahlburg via Yahoo! News"

...chyba że w mainstreamowej poprawności odnotuję sobie a Muzom niestosowne "...a nie mówiłem ?.." opatrzone cudzysłowem, bo po prawdzie jeśli już, to pisałem...

źródło: "The New York Times" via "Dokolusia Danse Macabre…" by T.L.

...ale marne to pocieszenie...

...i do tego takie jakieś...

...mimo pozorów mało barowe jak na prowincjonalnego poetę...
