piątek, 25 stycznia 2013

Czyżby w U.S. Army jak w Syrii ?

"The Syrian regime is arming and training Syrian women to fight for President Bashar al-Assad, putting it out in front of the Pentagon when it comes to sending women to the front lines..."

źródło: "The Washington Post"

Swoiste kontekstowo poczucie humoru redakcji "The Washington Post" ?

Prawdopodobnie nie, ale trudno czytającemu to szacowne czasopismo nie odnieść takiego wrażenia, tym bardziej, że znajduje zaraz obok kolejny tekst w tej jakże aktualnej kwestii...

źródło: "The Washington Post"

...z akapitem również pełnym jednoznacznie wymownych treści...

"...According to the Rutgers Institute for Women’s Leadership, as of 2009 women made up 15.5 percent of officers, averaged across the four military branches. And currently, some 80 percent of generals in the Army have combat experience. Spending time on the front lines is, even if unofficially, a critical stepping stone for those looking to advance their career. One need look no further than the recent attention given to Chuck Hagel’s time as a “grunt” in the Vietnam War to see how such experience stands out when it comes to nominations to higher posts..."

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