niedziela, 19 sierpnia 2012

The Faces of American Examiners:

Sahit Muja, NY Economy and Politics Examiner :

...Assad will fall very soon!. I strongly support President Obama's decision and congratulate Saudi Arabia, Qatar,Turkey, France and UK for providing support to Free Syrian Army...”

źródło: "Examiner"
“…The war drums that beat in Iran are for the destruction of Israel. Israel can do whatever it wants to do. It does not need permission from U.S or anyone to defend itself from anyone wanting to do harm… “

źródło: "Examiner"
“…Erm, I'd suggest removing that personal attack before you get banned completely. The new "references" fall into three categories: (1) Google and Yahoo searches (not a reference), (2) Articles which do not mention the subject of the entry, and (3) Hilarious user-generated content masquerading as news (From "India News": "Mr Sahit Muja is a very wealthy and powerful Albanian nationalist in the USA.", "Mr Sahit Muja is very well educated and extremely smart.", "Mr Muja is self made millionaire." (uh, didn't you say "billionaire" the first time?)... etc. The last sentence of the article is "In 1992 Mr".... that's it, that how it ends). In short, an incredibly lazy and cynical attempt at self promotion for a non-notable subject, Hairhorn (talk) 16:09, 1 August 2009 (UTC)…”

źródło: "Wikipedia"

I to by było na tyle w kwesti współczesnych, amerykańskich autorytetów, autorytetów mocarstwa próbującego usilnie ukształtować oblicze Świata na swoje podobieństwo.


źródło: "Wikipedia"