wtorek, 6 stycznia 2015

...jedni się reorientują...

"...Leaving combat operations in Afghanistan behind, NATO is shifting its focus to Europe in 2015 and the creation of its new ultra-rapid-reaction force, designed as a deterrent to Russia.

The priority for the 28-member alliance will be to get the new agile expeditionary force into operation, but also settling the question of who will pay for it, analysts say..."

źródło: "AP by John-Thor Dahlburg" via "Yahoo! News"

...inni budują...

źródło: "Google+ T.L."

"...Previously, Russia had commissioned a French firm, Alstom, for the first work on the rail line between Moscow and Kazan.

Alstom is one of the leading high speed train manufacturers in the world: in 2007 they set up a new record for conventional-wheeled high speed trains, speeding up at 574 km/h (357 mph). It also operates the urban tram line in Nottingham.

But since France did not deliver its order of Mistral ships in late November this year, it appears the Russian government took it personally and decided to switch that branch of the construction of the high speed railway to CRH, which is now in charge of the whole line, from Moscow to Beijing..." - źródło: "Business Insider by Stefano Pozzebon" via "Google+ T.L."

"...Reports said that the new rail line has become a top priority for the two countries. - Reuters" - źródło: "The Malay Mail Online" via "Google+ T.L."

...pomyślałem aż niestosownie mało oryginalnie nawet jak na prowincjonalnego poetę barowego...

...onieśmielony pewnie jednoznacznością przekazu zawartego w priorytetach Chin i Rosji będących sytuacyjnie w swojej istocie miedzy innymi niejako mimochodem odpowiedzią na poczynania euroatlantyckiej wspólnoty...

"...Obama and the other NATO leaders approved a Readiness Action Plan to upgrade alliance capabilities, and 2015 "will be about making it more concrete and visible for Russia," said Marcin Terlikowski, head of the European Security and Defense Economics project at the Polish Institute of International Affairs in Warsaw..." - źródło j.w. "AP by John-Thor Dahlburg" via "Yahoo! News"

...odpowiedzią tłumaczoną - jakby ktoś sobie tego życzył - choćby z "polskiego na nasze"...

"...a pocałujcie wy nas... poniżej pasa..."

...nie inaczej...