piątek, 26 sierpnia 2022

..."open letter" do mojego adwersarza

 ...w kwestii fenomenologicznej poprawności monologów prowincjonalnego poety barowego

"...the task of phenomenology, according to Husserl, is to understand the world [...].

A necessary prerequisite for the commencement of this project is a suspension of our naive and dogmatic presuppositions concerning the ontological status
 of the world. Instead ourinvestigation must follow the principle of all principles, viz., to regard every originary intuition asthe legitimizing source of cognition [...].

That is, in order to avoid unjustified ontological presuppositions, one has to undertake a radical reduction towards the phenomenologically given. Consequently, the effectuation of the epoché does not imply an exclusion (Ausschaltung) of theworld, but rather a suspension of our naive belief concerning the nature and character of itsexistence.

We must suspend our automatic positing of the world and give up our ontical preoccupation with it, in order to attend to its mode of givenness.

We are in other words henceforth only to examine the world insofar as it is being experienced, perceived, imagined, judged etc., i.e., insofar as it is correlated to an experience, a perception, an imagination etc.

Thus, theattempt at a philosophical disclosure of the world leads indirectly
to a disclosure of the correlatedexperiencing subjectivity, since the phenomenological approach to the world must necessarily be by way of its appearance - for subjectivity.

This is an observation which already indicatesthe close connection between these two spheres..."
-  Beyond Realism and Idealism | Dan Zahavi - Academia.edu /University of Copenhagen/. Originally published in Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 29, 1994, 44-62.

- Kumasz ? - jeśli nie to spadaj na drzewo - delikatnie, jak najdelikatniej potrafię by nikogo nie urazić zapożyczeniem z współczesnego języka dyplomatyczno parlamentarnego  jeszcze tymczasem tylko przy kolejnym kubku kawy...

"...so far the sanctions war is not going as well as expected..." ? - j.n.

...nie jestem ekspertem ale jeśli czytam

"...Europe has always been a relatively high-cost producer" said Hansen from Fertilizers Europe. "We export a lot of specialty products to the rest of the world … We are getting to a point where we can’t export anymore...."[1]

...to odnoszę wrażenie, że w tej "wojnie"[2] poza mało praktyczną dla stron konfliktu opcją nuklearną

trudno sobie wyobrazić by cokolwiek mogło działać lepiej...