sobota, 23 lipca 2022

..."who asks, don't wander" ?...

 nie słyszę...

a szkoda - cichutko dodam

jeśli czytam...

"...So, when President Biden promises that “my aim will be to strengthen a strategic partnership going forward that’s based on mutual interests and responsibilities,” his words are music to Saudi ears.

We understand full well that “mutual interests and responsibilities” means that Saudi Arabia continues to supply the energy and investment dollars
[1] that help fuel the American economy and create tens of thousands of high-paying jobs for American workers in fields including energy, green technology, construction, medical science, and manufacturing.

That’s our part of the bargain, and we are happy to keep it..."

...i zaraz dalej

"...Are the needs and values of America and Saudi Arabia precisely identical? Of course not. Saudi Arabia is a Muslim nation – a traditional society which is proud of its history and its binding networks of family ties, of the purity of its Arabic language, and of the generosity of its social welfare programs and charitable endowments. Just as many Saudis look with wonder and envy at American freedoms and accomplishments in science, engineering and technology, we are also taken aback by many aspects of American society – the disrespect of children for their parents, the disintegration of families, the discarding of the elderly, libertine attitudes towards sexuality, widespread drug abuse, mass shootings, the decay of the American educational system, and other social ills. Many Americans I know feel the same way.


In short, the US is not Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia is not the US, and never will be – and both countries will continue to engage in healthy criticism of the other. Those differences are precisely why the US-Saudi partnership has been so essential for the success of both countries: Each society has something to offer the other, and each acts as a mirror in which the other can see its own strengths and weaknesses reflected..." - j.n. za "Alarabya News" by Mohammed Alyahya[2]

...w poprawności monologu "idąc rakiem" niechby tylko do 2013 roku


"...znam (...) wielu znakomitych poetów arabskich, matematyków, geografów, kartografów i wodzów, nie znam jednak nikogo godnego miana dziedzica nauk mistrza Machiavellego lub choćby pilnego ucznia Nicola..." [...] - j.w. "Zoom saudyjski"

po latach /bez jednego dziesięciu/ zmieniając treść jego drugiego akapitu

z oryginału "...i chciałbym akurat w tej kwestii nie pomylić się ten jeden, jedyny raz..."


"...i chciałbym akurat w tej kwestii [...] pomylić się ten jeden, jedyny raz, nie tyle dlatego, że to moje zmartwienie ile dla dobrego samopoczucia..."...

- Na dobry początek kolejnego weekendu ? - who asks, don't wander...

[1] Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...z cyklu "kto pyta nie błądzi"... (

[2] "Mohammed Khalid Alyahya is a fellow at the Belfer Center's Middle East Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School, and a senior non-resident fellow at Hudson Institute. He also is a senior research fellow at the Gulf Research Centre and was a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council and the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies. His work focuses on Middle Eastern foreign policy issues."Mohammed Alyahya (