sobota, 26 marca 2022 dobry początek kolejnego weekendu ?

 ...pytaniem o tyle zasadnym jeśli czytam szczęście w nieszczęściu mając tyle lat

ile mam...

nie trzydzieści, czterdzieści, pięćdziesiąt czy sześćdziesiąt

..." Russian strikes targeting key cities and transport junctions degenerated into a barbarous war of siege and attrition, punditry has grown increasingly unrealistic, if not hysterical.

Professional journalists, media pundits (including retired military brass) and politicians have attempted to drag the United States and NATO into war by imposing a no-fly zone over Ukrainian airspace.
This would require NATO forces to destroy Russian aircraft and defense systems. Such action would significantly escalate the fighting, increase hostilities between two nuclear-armed adversaries and accelerate the likelihood of a general European war..." - j.w.

...mogę spokojnie czytać dalej

"...the notion of a rump Ukrainian state waging a longer, smaller war is gaining traction. As the Washington Post reports, the United States and its allies are drafting contingency plans to support a government-in-exile. This move could accommodate an insurgency that strikes vulnerable Russian supply lines and intensifies Moscow's logistical headaches. [...]

A guerrilla war will undoubtedly bleed Russian forces in Ukraine. It will also contribute to the deaths of Ukrainian partisans and civilians.

[...] Insurgencies require a sanctuary. Russia may not tolerate a NATO state - say, Romania or Poland - harboring and outfitting remnants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, paramilitary personnel or armed civilians and irregulars.
To the contrary, such activity might prompt a retaliatory broadside against a U.S. treaty ally.
Of course, a NATO member on the alliance's eastern frontier may welcome a strong American military response, given the unequal threat distribution posed by Russian aggression. But American strategists should think twice before mounting this escalation ladder..." - j.w.

...starając się przy tym nie nadwerężać granicy wyznaczonej prawem do cytatu ponad to co już zrobiłem...

pozostawiając dla odmiany w oryginale tym co biegle władają angielskim taki oto fragmencik za "The Telegraph Dispatches" by Dominic Nicholls

"...I wonder what she [Madeleine Albright] would have said about President Biden’s stance on chemical weapons.

He said on Thursday that any use of such weapons by Vladimir Putin would “trigger a response in kind”.

“We would respond,” he said. “The nature of the response would depend on the nature of the use."

His comments in Brussels, after meeting fellow Nato leaders, were underlined by a Western official who said it was “highly unlikely” the West would respond militarily should Putin use chemical weapons.

Biden has effectively ruled out direct Nato military action in Ukraine should such things be used.

Is this a green light for Putin to use them? And do Biden's words - that finally, albeit obliquely, make clear that he is smudging the red line that got his former boss Barack Obama into such trouble in 2012 - count as action or inaction?


Ambiguity over weapons of mass destruction can be a helpful policy. Ambiguity known to be vacuous blather helps nobody.

Biden has gone some way to clearing that up.

Of course, the US would not respond to the use of chemical weapons by firing off the same things themselves, but a proportionate act in another domain - cyber, space, high explosive against Wagner Group mercenaries in Africa, perhaps? - is feasible, and all the more believable now talk of ‘red lines’ has been consigned to history.


Biden’s words are a demonstration of pragmatism; understanding and moulding the strategic context without kowtowing to it. Realpolitik might be a better word; perhaps even perestroika - the Russians would understand that. Madeleine Albright would too."... dobry początek jak i tego, tak i każdego kolejnego weekendu

..."pytaniem na śniadanie"

zadanym w poprawności monologu...

kto tu kogo straszy

i w ostatecznym rozrachunku...

sfajda się w gacie...

- Już się "Fajdek" sfajdał - "słyszę" - tylko o tym nie wie...

jak na bywalca euroatlantyckich salonów politycznych zdecydowanie za rzadko "zmieniając bieliznę"...

a jak kto nie daje wiary prowincjuszowi niech poprosi znajomego znającego biegle angielski by przetłumaczył "na nasze" niedowiarkowi niechby tylko te "okruchy" przywołane cytatami wyżej...

o innych nie wspominając[1]...

już niechby z tej racji, że...

same przypomną o sobie

w stosownym ku temu czasie...
