środa, 14 kwietnia 2021

"... There are more thing in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy...”

 ...co prawda, to prawda 

źródło: "The Spectator" https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-rise-of-racist-fonts

Czarna Afryka swojego Homera, Petrarki, Szekspira... 

nigdy nie miała - Black mają griotow, tam-tamy i... 

MC Hammera... 

“...”... Nietzsche instructed his followers to ‘philosophise with a hammer’[1]. Suddenly the phrase has a meaning that he could never have imagined...” za panem Hal Hobsonem...  

...na koniec kolejnego weekendu dopowiedzeniem...  

…"... There are more thing in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy...”[2]... 


[1] “The Twilight of Idols, Or Philosophizing with a Hammer” by Fredrich Nietzshe  

[2] “Hamlet” Williama Shakespeare’a"[3]... 

[3] Facebook