środa, 14 kwietnia 2021

..."...maybe it is only a matter of time?..." w wirtualnym monologu

 ...nieprzypadkowym przypadkiem w kontynuacji monologu poprzedniego[1]? - nie potwierdzam...

...nie zaprzeczam...

…"... The critic? None other than the arch federalist, scourge of Brexiteers, and hero of Lib Dem party conferences, Guy Verhofstadt.

In a video released over Facebook and Twitter, the former Belgium Prime Minister, whose passion for full political and economic union knows no limits, expertly skewers the Commission's power-grab over healthcare policy, its ham-fisted contracts with the drugs companies, and the catastrophic way it tried to cover up its mistakes by blaming everyone else. […]

Verhofstadt makes the point that anyone who loves the EU, as he does, has to be brutally honest about its failings. And that is, of course, more than fair. […]

bungling mis-management is built into a political system [UE] that lacks any form of proper accountability to its electorate.

But who knows, maybe it is only a matter of time?

Until then, it is surely a telling measure of the scale of the disaster that even the most enthusiastic federalists are turning on the EU." - j.n. /interlinie T.L./...

poprzestając na cytacie...

[1] https://www.facebook.com/tadeusz.ludwiszewski.7/posts/3865833010203406

Zaktualizowano 16 lut 2021, 22:10