niedziela, 25 kwietnia 2021 "skonał" ?...


" (pronounced "social") was a social networking service and social search engine operated by Microsoft FUSE Labs. They announced on March 7, 2017 that it would be closing down on March 15, 2017..." - czytam za "Wikipedią"...

z nadzieją, że

nie za moją sprawą...

odnotowując publicznie na wszelki wypadek...

profilu na "Facebooku" nie zlikwidowałem

źródło: Facebook

a tylko aktywność na nim ograniczyłem...

jak widać niebezzasadną

przestrogą - lubię Was  Zuckerberg (...) i dobrze życzę...

stosownym weekendowo zapisem monologu...

niezmiennie dobrym obyczajem jeszcze o tej porze tylko

przy porannym kubku kawy...


...PM dopowiedzeniem już nie przy kubku kawy a szklaneczce czegoś rzetelnego...

“” oczywiście nie “skonał” a po około 6 latach trwania eksperyment badawczy prowadzony pod tym tytułem przez “Microsoft Research” za pośrednictwem “FUSE Labs”[1] został zakończony...

o czym niechby tylko sama “Wikipedia” ani wprost

ani pośrednio nie wspomina

“...Design /"projekt" ale i również "zamiar"/ appeared similar to Google+ and borrows concepts from Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It occupied a niche role and was intended to augment rather than replace those services. Users were able to post a collage of pictures pertaining to a specific topic and share it with friends or "followers". Users were also able to post visual comments under these posts by sending "riffs". Riffs were a separate collage of graphic media that relate to the topic of the post. By using riffs, users were able to communicate with other users with media that was related to their interests.

Signup and login required a Microsoft account or Facebook account. Registration was only open to users 18 and older.

The site had integrated search features using the Bing API. Searches were public by default, but could be marked private.

Users could follow other users or categorical interest pages. Users could share content they viewed on the Internet with other users by installing the's Bookmarklet application which added a “Share on” button to the browser's bookmark bar...” - - Wikipedia

...a że ja to robię ? - weekend mamy

co tu znaczy że

wątek nie będzie od poniedzialku ani rozwijany

ani kontynuowany.

[1] “We just launched, our latest research experiment, which blends search and social networking. For the last 12 days, it has been a thrill to be amid a network of students and to learn how human and unpredictable and beautiful it is to build and interact with a new community.


This has been an amazing year for FUSE Labs. We officially joined Microsoft Research. I am so lucky to work among the brightest, most wonderful people in the world. Using social software such as, Kodu, Docs, Montage, and many other projects, we can reach out and learn from many students around the world.

Thank you for reading this post! Like you, we building tools that bring society and technology together with the hope of making the world a better place" - FUSE Labs: Year in Review - Microsoft Research