...i tak, jak wartki nurt codzienności reguluje i trzyma w karbach Kodeks Cywilny idący w nierozłącznej parze z Kodeksem Karnym...
...tak wzajemne relacje między państwami uczłowiecza...
...pozytywna moralność
(„positive morality” - John Austin)...
...cokolwiek to tu znaczy...
"...Still, for now at least, alliance members have endorsed the stronger approach toward Moscow pushed by the U.S. and the Eastern Europeans.
The deployment “gives NATO a capability it didn’t have before,” former U.S. secretary of state Madeleine Albright told POLITICO on the sidelines of the summit. “Some of it is psychological, but this is a way to do deterrence and to make a point.”
Albright helped negotiate the 1997 agreement on relations between NATO and Russia, under which the West refrained from permanently stationing troops in Central and Eastern Europe, but she now noted that “Russia broke the deal.” That’s why the alliance “shouldn’t get stuck on words” on the issue of whether the four battalions mean a permanent or rotating presence in the region."
źródło: "Politico" - "Obama gives worried allies a pep talk at NATO summit" by Matthew Karnitschnig and Jan Cieński
...odnotowaniem sobie a Muzom na dobry początek kolejnego tygodnia...