niedziela, 6 marca 2016

...nie tyle w bezpośrednim nawiązaniu... "The Camp of the Saints" pióra pana Jeana Raspaila... z inspiracji jej zaatlantyckiego omowienia przez pana Johna D. Davidsona między innymi fragmentem...

"...Raspail’s story, that is, is not about white supremacy but about how civilizations die. His argument is that they die of neglect. To properly speak of culture is to describe something alive, but the French society sketched out in The Camp of the Saints has lost its will to live, and therefore its ability to defend itself from those who seek to conquer it. No one cares enough to water the garden, and it withers..."

źródło: "the Federalist" - "Does Immigration Mean The End Of Western Civilization?" by John Daniel Davidson

...aż nazbyt bliskim rzeczywistości niżby można było sobie tego życzyć gdziekolwiek pomiędzy Bugiem a Kanałem La Manche...

...a już na pewno w jakikolwiek weekend...
