czwartek, 11 lutego 2016

"Highway to Heaven"...

...("Ein Engel auf Erden...")...

„…For sort-of-leftish urbanites like myself, the notion that we might be slipping into a phase of disintegration - not to say regression - is particularly painful, because it shows we had bought into a lie, the lie that history is a one-way street, always moving toward a free, liberal, multicultural society…” – pisze pani Anna Sauerbrey…

źródło: "The New York Times" - "The End of the Merkel Era" by Anna Sauerbrey

…co nie byłoby szczególnie warte odnotowania, gdyby nie to, że…

„Anna Sauerbrey became a contributing opinion writer for The International New York Times in February 2015. Ms. Sauerbrey has been an editor and writer at the German daily newspaper Der Tagesspiegel since 2011. She is a member of the editorial board and contributes reporting on technology and interior politics. In 2013, she was an Arthur F. Burns fellow at The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Ms. Sauerbrey holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Mainz. Before joining Der Tagesspiegel as a trainee in 2009, she lectured in medieval and early modern history and worked as a freelance journalist for regional publications. She lives in Berlin.”

źródło: "The New York Times" - "Anna Sauerbrey"

...wyraziście eksponuje tragifarsę polityczno intelektualnego infantylizmu w pokoleniowym pomyleniu "Highway to Heaven" z "Bundesautobahnen"...

...odnotowuję bez ochoty do wyjaśniania akurat przy porannym kubku kawy całej złożoności problematyki zawartej w tej, skleconej na poczekaniu, pozornie tylko niewydarzonej parze...