wtorek, 23 lutego 2016

"Go back to your grandparents in Nigeria!" cytuję...

...za "The New York Observerem"...

źródło: ""The New York Observer" - "Estonia Wants More NATO Troops—But Only If They Aren't Black" by Mikhail Klikushin

„While African American NATO troops protect Estonia’s capital, local racists shout 'Go back to your grandparents in Nigeria!'”


- A to ci heca – pomyślałem w zapisie bez stosownego w innej sytuacji wykrzyknika...

...czytając dalej…

“…During NATO drills, a brawl between locals and the NATO troops stationed in Ventspils prompted Mayor Aivars Lembergs to call the behavior of the NATO soldiers “piggish.” According to Mr. Lembergs, who filed an official complaint with NATO’s secretary general, the NATO sailors “behaved like pigs, ignoring the laws of Latvia and the rules of self-government.”
 - źródło j.w.

…no właśnie…

cartoon © by T.L.