sobota, 30 stycznia 2016

...w agencyjnym przekazie „Reutersa”...

…w końcu zostało publicznie powiedziane i w agencyjnym przekazie „Reutersa” opublikowane:

…and that border guards should, if necessary, shoot at migrants trying to enter illegally [AfD leader Frauke Petry]…”

…i dalej, by nie zostać posądzonym o medialną manipulację:

„…No police officer wanted to shoot at a migrant, Petry said, adding "I don't want that either but, ultimately, deterrence includes the use of armed force".

Such comments evoke memories of Germany's Cold War division, when guards in the communist East, led by Erich Honecker, were under orders to shoot people attempting to cross the heavily fortified border into the West.

źródło j.n. "Reuters"

"The last German politician who let refugees be shot at was Erich Honecker," said Thomas Oppermann, a senior member of the Social Democrats.”

źródło: “Reuters” - “Germany's Merkel says refugees must return home once war is over” by Andreas Rinke via “Yahoo! News”