środa, 18 lutego 2015

...polski "cucumber" w Chinach...

...cytuję za "China Daily"...

"...After her speech Saturday, Ogorek once again refused to take questions from reporters. That has sparked some criticism - and a lack of knowledge about her views has allowed some Poles to focus on things like her striking good looks and the fact that her last name means "cucumber" in Polish."

źródło: "China Daily" - "Polish presidential candidate vows better ties with Russia" (Agencies)

...poprzedzone nie bez racji wartym odnotowania nad Jangcy...

"The presidential candidate for Poland's main left-wing party on Saturday criticized what she called the Polish government's antagonistic attitude to Russia, saying she would be willing to speak directly to Russian President Vladimir Putin..." - źródło j.w.

...w żadnym razie nie tylko sobie a Muzom wzorem prowincjonalnych poetów barowych...

...cokolwiek to znaczy w pozorze wirtualnych pozorów...

źródło: "China Daily" - search Grzegorz Schetyna
