piątek, 25 października 2013

Czytam w witrynie "The Washington Post"...


"...The Saudis, supported by the French and, to a lesser extent, the British, wanted the draft to say that President Bashar al-Assad and his thugs would suffer extreme punitive military actions for noncompliance..."

"...The tyrant Assad, then, was saved and practically given a U.N. mandate to continue slaughtering the Syrian people and destroying the remnants of the Syrian state..."

źródło: "The Washington Post"

...który już tylko dla formalności wypada odnotować...

...nie pisząc przy tym, że własnym oczom nie wierzę, bo to nie kwestia wiary, a napisana czarno na białym opinia na stronach chcącej uchodzić za wiodącą gazety w sprawach ważnych dla U.S. i świata w piątek 25 października 2013 roku...

"...In short, the Saudis find themselves in a drastically different foreign policy situation than even one year ago, having essentially been left alone to maintain stability in the Arab world. Given the pressure of this predicament, the fundamental basis of the new Saudi foreign policy doctrine is about changing course from being protected by others to protecting themselves and their allies. The Saudis know they need to restructure their foreign policy and national security establishments to conduct themselves internationally on par with the political, economic and religious significance and influence the kingdom holds..."

...za to przywołując cytatem tekst tegoż samego autora, Nawaf Obaid opublikowanego na "Al Arabia News" z datowaniem...

...16 maj 2011 roku [!]...

źródło: "Google Images"
"...Saudi Arabia will not allow the political unrest in the region to destabilize the Arab monarchies — the Gulf states, Jordan and Morocco. In Yemen, the Saudis are insisting on an orderly transition of power and a dignified exit for President Ali Abdullah Saleh (a courtesy that was not extended to Hosni Mubarak, despite the former Egyptian president’s many years as a strong U.S. ally). To facilitate this handover, Riyadh is leading a diplomatic effort under the auspices of the six-country Gulf Cooperation Council. In Iraq, the Saudi government will continue to pursue a hard-line stance against the Maliki government, which it regards as little more than an Iranian puppet. In Lebanon, Saudi Arabia will act to check the growth of Hezbollah and to ensure that this Iranian proxy does not dominate the country’s political life. Regarding the widespread upheaval in Syria, the Saudis will work to ensure that any potential transition to a post-Assad era is as peaceful and as free of Iranian meddling as possible."
źródło: "Al Arabia News"

...co by upoważniało do napisania, że...

..."nic nowego pod słońcem", poza nagłym i niespodziewanym wyjściem z politycznej szafy panującego rodu Saudów...

...piszę sobie a Muzom w wirtualnym monologu, pozostając w przekonaniu innego źródła tej ostentacji nie mającej wiele wspólnego, albo i nic z działalnością Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ, a i dramatem syryjskim w sposobie jego postrzegania przez euroatlantyckie elity i media opiniotwórcze też...

"...Moreover, in four of the five Middle Eastern countries surveyed in both 2007 and 2013, Saudi Arabia’s image has substantially worsened. The most dramatic decline has occurred in Lebanon, where overall opinion of the Saudi kingdom has fallen from 82% to 51% favorable over the past six years, and the drop is particularly prevalent among Lebanese Shia. Smaller, but significant drops in Saudi Arabia’s standing are evident in Turkey (- 14 percentage points), the Palestinian territories (-13) and Egypt (-13)..."

źródło: "Pew Research Center"

"...A recent Pew Research Center survey looked at the decline of Saudi Arabia’s image with neighboring countries in the Middle East. While Saudi Arabia's reputation remains predominantly prestigious with the global Muslim population, the recent geopolitical changes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have led to a sharp decline in Saudi Arabia’s reputation with its neighbors. This is likely to deeply affect the balance of power in the region for the foreseeable future..." źródło: "PolicyMic"

...za to wiele z pozycją i znaczeniem Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej w aktualnych dziś i jutro priorytetach politycznych nie kogo innego, jak tylko i przede wszystkim...

..."Strażnika Dwóch Świątyń"...

...nie inaczej. 