czwartek, 5 września 2013

Warte odnotowania...

...choćby tylko sobie a Muzom w wirtualnym monologu:

Mimo że amerykański senator, a przemawia ludzkim głosem [!]...

"...The U.S. should not fight a war to save face. I will not vote to send young men and women to sacrifice life and limb for stalemate. I will not vote to send our nation’s best and brightest to fight for anything less than victory. If American interests are at stake, then our goal should not be stalemate..."

źródło: "Time"

...i dalej w granicach opisanych prawem do cytatu...

"... Too often, the debate begins and ends with an assertion that our national interest is at stake without any evidence of that assertion. The burden of proof lies with those who wish to engage in war..."

...piszę przy porannym kubku kawy bujając przy tym myślami w obłokach:

collage by T.L. - "Google Images"
