piątek, 17 maja 2013

To prawda...

...to wszystko prawda, co pisze pan Ali al Shihabi...

"...War, particularly civil war, is always dirty. In fact, I doubt that Abraham Lincoln would be the icon he is held up to be today if Southerners had been able to record and upload videos of the atrocities inflicted upon them by his General Sherman, a “war hero” who believed that in war, “men, women, and children, must be killed or banished before you can hope for peace and order...”

źródło: "Al Arabiya"

"...The region does not seem to have learned the lessons of its recent history. Conflicts such as Syria’s do not produce “temporary refugee problems.” Syria’s war will be a long one. It will be many years before the country can recover and reabsorb the million..."

...a już na pewno to...

"...World leaders, particularly the Arab leaders who are so audibly making noise on the world stage about the need to “save Syria,” should put their money where their mouth is and do the only practical thing that can now be done—which is work to help the victims of this ongoing tragedy. Instead of hogging the limelight and wasting their energies on continuous, yet futile, attempts to influence the outcome of this civil war, U.S., EU, and GCC officials should focus, rather, on the admittedly less exciting and more mundane humanitarian role that is now so urgently required of them. Here they need to use their countries’ influence and considerable resources to work toward resettling the refugees properly into the surrounding countries and into any other countries that are willing to take them..."

...co pozwalam sobie przywołać w cytatach nieprzyzwoitej już długości:

"...At the same time, it is of vital importance that the U.S., EU, and GCC countries in turn open their own gates and allow as many Syrians in as possible, so as to reduce the dangerous demographic pressure that is now pressing down on Lebanon and Jordan, which are two small, vulnerable, and unstable countries bursting at the seams..."

Jest w tym wszystkim tylko jedno "ale" zawarte w przemilczaniu przyczyn, imion i nazwisk bezpośrednich sprawców tej w skutkach już dziś międzykontynentalnej tragedii, co nie wróży najlepiej uwikłanym w ten koszmar narodom, bowiem gdyby w przysłowiowej "Norymberdze" rozstrzygał Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels albo Göring, to na szubienicy "zawisł by" Churchill, Roosevelt i Stalin z oczywistymi konsekwencjami takiej okoliczności dla obywateli Europy, Wielkiej Brytanii, Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki i Rosji.

Nie inaczej.