wtorek, 2 kwietnia 2013

...“on the wrong side of history”...

„As the Supreme Court weighed arguments over California’s Proposition 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act last week, the cultural and political momentum in favor of same-sex civil marriage was extraordinary. One after another, prominent Democrats who had been reluctant to endorse same-sex civil marriage switched their positions, recognizing that they were in grave danger of being “on the wrong side of history” (a phrase we’re hearing a lot lately). Some of the reversals have been surprising only because they’ve come so late, as in the case of Hillary Clinton. Others, like Senators Jon Tester and Kay Hagan, were surprising because they represent states, Montana and North Carolina, where same-sex unions aren’t recognized…” 

źrodło: "Reuters"

I dalej…

“…Assuming the Supreme Court doesn’t decide to invalidate the laws of the 37 states that limit civil marriage to opposite-sex couples, 31 of which have constitutional amendments to that effect, this debate will go on for many years…”

…poprzestając na tym, by nie zostać posądzonym o nadużycie prawa do cytatu, choć opinia pana Reihan Salam'a sygnowana przez agencję "Reuters" jest warta każdego nadużycia:

“…A number of conservatives, myself included, have argued that the right needs to shift from opposing same-sex civil marriage to focusing on the broader erosion of marriage, particularly among working- and middle-class Americans. Over the past half-century the share of 18- to 29-year-olds who are married has fallen from 60 percent to 20 percent. This wouldn’t be much of a problem if young adults were delaying child-rearing until after marriage, as is true among college-educated Americans. But the out-of-wedlock birthrate now stands at 41 percent…”

Domknięte odautorskim suplementem T.L. przypominającym zagubionym w medialnej fatamorganie politycznej poprawności, mgle mainstreamu i wyścigu "do koryta", że Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej, to nie cały świat, jak jest w tytule.

Dziś bowiem na innych kontynentach już mało kogo obchodzą zdarzenia znad Potomac River w słusznym przekonaniu, że każde z nich z osobna i wszystkie razem w kupie wzięte nie są warte przysłowiowego „funta kłaków”, co odnotowuję już nawet nie w wirtualnym monologu, a tylko z pamiętnikarskiej rzetelności, jednak nie bez nutki żalu - tak sądzę - również wartego odnotowania.

(linked to "W wirtualnej "przyjemności" z dwiema naraz:")