niedziela, 28 lipca 2024

...i w Moskwie - dodam jeśli czytam...

na dobranoc...

"..."No prospect for an end to this bloodshed can be seen yet. Israel, through Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said in response to calls for a ceasefire that it would not stop until it completely eliminates Hamas.

In my opinion, and many of my colleagues share this point of view, it is an unrealistic tasks to eradicate the organization which exists, which has enough capabilities and enough support, including in the Muslim world," the minister said..." j.n. /interlinia T.L./

...i w Europie nie tylko "von der Leyen" 

ale i "Macrona, Scholza, Tuska..."...

dziś panie Ławrow dla Izraela ostateczne rozwiązanie kwestii Strefy Gazy i Hamasu to już nie problem natury politycznej a tylko czysto...


jak dla Was na Kremlu kwestia wyniku kolejnych wyborów listopadowych w USA

"...The Kremlin has stated that it does not care who wins the upcoming U.S. presidential election in November 2024. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed that regardless of the election outcome, Moscow does not expect significant changes in U.S. policy towards Russia. He noted that the Russian government will work with any elected president, emphasizing that they do not anticipate any major shifts in U.S. relations with Russia post-election..." za Perplexity AI...

pozwolę sobie odnotować pod Waszym adresem Wielce Szanowny Panie Ławrow z nadzieją, że...

chociaż o przysłowiowy włos jesteście bystrzejsi od swoich euroatlantyckich "kolegów" po fachu..


[1]  ...czy jej wymogom Obywatele Izraela i jego elity polityczne sprostają to już "historia na inne opowiadanie" które napisze samo Życie...