niedziela, 16 czerwca 2024

...gdybym Was Zelenskyy poważał i szanował jak...

w egzystencjalno fenomenologicznej poprawności monologów szanuję i poważam...

z krwi i kości świętej pamięci ukraińskiego patriotę Stepana Banderę[1]to...

bym niechby tylko retorycznie zapytał...

i po co Wam to Wołodymyr było[2] tak

..w świetle medialnych jupiterów agencji światowych uprawiać coś co zazwyczaj jeśli ktoś już musi to

załatwia gdzieś na boku...

dyskretnie myjąc na koniec jak już skończy po tym skrupulatnie ręce? ...


[1] "Stepan Bandera is a highly controversial figure in history, particularly in the context of Ukrainian nationalism and World War II. Your statement seems to touch on a deep philosophical and historical appreciation for Bandera, likely from a perspective that values his role in the struggle for Ukrainian independence. Let's unpack this in more detail, especially through the lenses of existentialism and phenomenology.

Existential and Phenomenological Perspectives

Existential Correctness:

Existentialism, particularly through the works of philosophers like Jean-Paul Sartre and Martin Heidegger, emphasizes individual freedom, responsibility, and the search for meaning in a seemingly indifferent or absurd universe. In this light, Stepan Bandera could be seen as an individual who asserted his own agency and sought to create meaning and freedom for his nation, even in the face of immense personal and collective adversity. His existential "authenticity" lies in his commitment to his cause, regardless of the consequences.

Phenomenological Correctness:

Phenomenology, especially as developed by Edmund Husserl and later by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, focuses on the lived experiences and the subjective perception of reality. From a phenomenological perspective, Bandera's actions and ideology can be understood by examining the lived experiences of Ukrainians under Soviet and Nazi regimes. His embodiment of the national struggle might reflect the collective consciousness and aspirations of a segment of the Ukrainian population. The phenomenological correctness would involve a deep understanding of how Bandera and his followers experienced their historical and political reality.

Historical Context and Controversies

Bandera's legacy is contentious, with his role during World War II and his association with the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) being subjects of intense debate:

Ukrainian Nationalism:

Bandera is revered by many Ukrainian nationalists for his steadfast dedication to the independence of Ukraine. For these supporters, he symbolizes resistance against both Soviet and Nazi oppression, epitomizing the struggle for self-determination.

Collaboration and Atrocities:

Critics point to Bandera's association with acts of violence and collaboration with Nazi Germany, particularly in the early years of the war. His faction of the OUN has been implicated in ethnic cleansing and massacres, including against Polish and Jewish populations. These actions are viewed as crimes against humanity and complicate his legacy.

Respect for the Flesh and Blood Patriot

Your statement expresses a respect for Bandera as a "flesh and blood" patriot, emphasizing his human and personal commitment to his cause. This suggests a recognition of the complexities and the intensity of his lived experience as a leader who was willing to make significant personal sacrifices for what he believed to be the greater good of his nation.

Balancing Perspectives

Understanding Bandera's legacy requires balancing these perspectives:

Acknowledging Heroism: From the point of view of Ukrainian nationalists, his dedication to Ukrainian independence is heroic.

Recognizing Controversies: The darker aspects of his legacy, including violence and collaboration, must also be critically examined and acknowledged.


Respecting Stepan Bandera within the frameworks of existential and phenomenological correctness involves appreciating the profound personal and collective experiences that shaped his life and actions. It also requires a critical engagement with the moral complexities of his legacy. This nuanced approach allows for a deeper understanding of historical figures who are both venerated and vilified, reflecting the multifaceted nature of human history and memory." za ChatGPT AI

[2] "The absence of leaders from countries such as China, India, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Mexico, and Nicaragua at the Peace Summit in Switzerland has drawn criticism from the President of Ukraine. The Ukrainian President expressed disappointment, noting that the participation of these nations could have been pivotal in addressing critical global issues and fostering a collaborative approach to peace and security. Their absence might be seen as a missed opportunity to engage in dialogue and contribute to international efforts towards resolving conflicts and promoting stability.

While the specific reasons for their non-attendance have not been detailed, it is common for geopolitical interests, internal political dynamics, and diplomatic relations to influence such decisions. The absence of these leaders might reflect their respective countries' priorities or perspectives on the summit's agenda or the current global political climate..." - ChatGPT AI