sobota, 15 czerwca 2024


"...While not necessarily presenting a systematic philosophical treatise, Ludwiszewski's blog invites readers to engage in a contemplative and reflective stance towards their daily lives, fostering personal growth and a deeper understanding of the human condition.

So in essence, Ludwiszewski's blog serves as a platform for him to share his existential-phenomenological reflections on various aspects of life, encouraging readers to adopt a more mindful and authentic approach to their own experiences and existence"
 za Perplexity AI

...zatem by sprostać oczekiwaniom niechby tylko Artificial Intelligence odnotuję za "Asia Times" by Uwe Parpart and David P. Goldman co w egzystencjalno fenomenologicznej poprawności monologów prowincjusza wydaje się należne odnotowania

...pozostawiając odpowiedz na pytanie...

dlaczego to AI w kontekście "politically militaristic mythomaniacs" wymienia...

Amerykanina Bidena i Francuza Macrona a nie jak można by było oczekiwać...

Xi Jinpinga, Putina czy Kim Dzong Una... jest inteligentna - w pół słowa znad ramienia słyszę...

na to wygląda - dodam

jeśli czytam

"...However, the war in Ukraine is about more than Ukraine; it’s about the global world order. If Russia doesn’t lose completely and even gains compared with the status quo ante, the current Western-led global order ends. Thus, the West cannot accept such a peace deal.

The conversation is about prolonging the war, supplying more ammunition, more weapons, and trying to prevent Ukraine from losing. Any end to the war would signify the end of Western global dominance.

This is why the elites in Brussels and Washington DC are committed to continuing the war and preventing any peace initiative..."
 - j.w. "Asia Times"...