czwartek, 13 czerwca 2024

...bezpośrednia konfrontacja wojskowa NATO z Rosją na Ukrainie

 ...jest dla żywotnie nią zainteresowanych euroatlantyckich bankrutów politycznych[1] i polityczno militarystycznych mitomanów[2]

od dawna (...) już jedynym sposobem na przetrwanie...

"...Recently, Ukraine has launched heavy salvos of long-range missiles at Crimean targets including airfields and harbors, especially at Sevastopol. It is believed it will soon, once again, attempt to destroy the Kerch bridge.

Most of these missiles have been supplied by NATO (mostly American) and all of them are given targets based on NATO-supplied coordinates.

NATO operates spy planes, long-range radars and satellites to pinpoint the exact coordinates for their Ukrainian clients..."

reszta to tylko kwestia czasu i...

nieuniknionej w końcu sytuacyjnie

zmiany przez Kreml, Moskwę, Rosję formuły "specjalnej operacji wojskowej" ograniczonej li tylko do terytorium Ukrainy 

na działania adekwatne swoim zasięgiem i skutkami do...



[1] "...Some European leaders, dangerously losing political support at home, particularly French President Emmanuel Macron, may opt for a bigger war to try and shift public opinion in their favor.

Sending troops and offering fighter jets and other weapons could be interpreted as intentionally aiming for a wider, European war. The fact that the US apparently is behind using F-16 bases in Romania may be Biden’s way to cause a war in Europe and save his sinking political fortunes..."
 j.w. "Asia Times" by Stephen Bryen 

co  ChatGPT 4 w dialogu z prowincjuszem doprecyzowuje tak...

"...The scenario you describe revolves around the idea of political leaders using military actions to shift public opinion and bolster their political standing, a concept often referred to as "wagging the dog." This term comes from the idea that a smaller, often less significant issue (the tail) is used to manipulate attention away from a larger, more critical issue (the dog). Here’s a breakdown of the potential motivations and implications of such actions:

Political Context

Loss of Domestic Support: Leaders facing declining approval ratings or political challenges at home may look for ways to unite the populace and distract from domestic issues. Historically, external conflicts or military engagements have been used to rally nationalistic sentiments and divert attention from internal problems.

Military Engagements: By escalating military involvement, leaders might aim to project strength and decisiveness. Sending troops, providing advanced weaponry, or supporting broader military actions can be framed as protecting national interests or supporting allies, thus appealing to patriotic sentiments.

Specific Leaders and Scenarios

Emmanuel Macron: The French President, facing domestic challenges such as protests or economic difficulties, might consider more assertive military actions to bolster his standing. This could involve increased support for international coalitions, deployments, or military aid to allies.

Joe Biden: Similarly, if the US President is experiencing political difficulties, taking a strong stance in international conflicts might be seen as a way to shift focus. Supporting military bases in strategic locations like Romania and providing advanced fighter jets like F-16s could be interpreted as efforts to assert US influence and leadership in Europe, potentially stirring a larger conflict.

Potential Consequences

Wider European War: Escalating military involvement and increasing tensions could lead to a broader conflict in Europe. This would have significant humanitarian, economic, and political consequences, potentially destabilizing the region further.

Public Opinion: While some segments of the population might support decisive military actions, others may view it as reckless or a diversion from more pressing domestic issues. The effectiveness of such strategies in garnering long-term political support is uncertain and can vary widely.

International Relations: Actions perceived as escalating conflicts can strain international relations, not just within Europe but globally. Allies and adversaries alike will respond to perceived aggression, and this could lead to a complex web of alliances and oppositions.

Critical Analysis

Motivations and Intentions: It's crucial to critically assess the motivations behind military actions. Are they genuinely in the national or global interest, or are they primarily driven by domestic political considerations?

Media and Public Discourse: The role of media in shaping public perception is significant. How military actions are reported and discussed can influence public opinion. Transparent and accurate reporting is essential to ensure that citizens are informed about the true motivations and potential consequences of military engagements.

Checks and Balances: Democratic systems have mechanisms to check and balance the executive’s power, including decisions to engage in military actions. Legislative bodies, judicial review, and public opinion play crucial roles in holding leaders accountable.


While the notion that leaders might use military actions to bolster political support is not new, it is fraught with risks and complexities. The potential for escalation into a wider conflict, the humanitarian costs, and the unpredictable shifts in public opinion make such strategies perilous. It's essential for citizens and political analysts to critically examine the motivations behind military engagements and advocate for decisions that prioritize long-term stability and ethical considerations over short-term political gains..." nie inaczej...

[2] "...Understanding the concept of "politically militaristic mythomaniacs" is useful in evaluating the credibility of individuals who advocate for military policies. It highlights the importance of verifying claims and being cautious about taking exaggerated or fabricated stories at face value, especially when they are used to justify political positions or actions..." ChatGPT 4