niedziela, 12 listopada 2023

...jeśli coś tu można uznać sytuacyjnie za

"...the failure of the UN Security Council and international community" the Crown Prince said..." j.n. w pierwszym rzędzie Wasze Mochammed bin Salman wystąpienie w roli autorytetu moralnego...

prokuratora i sędziego w pozorze koranicznego...

"...With his father's blessing, he first placed all the centres of power under his control, namely the National Guard, the interior ministry and the armed forces. He then systematically removed any possible challengers to his rule, both royal and non-royal, including the man America expected to be next in line to the throne: former crown prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, who has spent his recent years effectively under house arrest.


been heavily criticised for pursuing a war in Yemen that has caused a humanitarian catastrophe and for cracking down on dissent, with hefty prison sentences handed down even for critical social media posts.

The prince's international reputation suffered significant damage after the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a prominent critic of his policies, was killed by Saudi agents at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018. US intelligence agencies concluded that he had approved an operation to capture or kill Khashoggi, but he denied any involvement..."

...wystąpienie nie było adresowane do mnie a do wspólnoty świata islamsko arabskiego ? - wiem...

nie jestem ślepy, czytam

..."...the Crown Prince said said on Saturday during his opening speech at the extraordinary joint Islamic-Arab summit..." j.w. "Al Arabiya News"

jeśli je odnotowuję to tylko pretekstem by zacytować...

ducha kardynała Richelieu

"...“Some will call it genocide, Eminence,” [...].

“Genocide? What!? What do these cretins know about genocide? I could teach them a thing or two about genocide!.." j.w. za "Asia Times"

...mój świętej pamięci imiennik Tadeusz też...

..."...What about the bombing of civilians in Gaza, Eminence?

“No one will complain too loudly about that, mon ami,” snickered the Cardinal. “The Americans do that sort of thing before breakfast. When they invaded Iraq in 2003, the first few weeks of bombing killed more than 8,000 civilians, with the blessing of a half-dozen of America’s allies..." za "Asia Times"...

...i tak dalej i.t.p. w nie mającym końca

...the Danse Macabre...

szkoda słów.