poniedziałek, 9 października 2023

..."...the conscience of the world[1]..." ?

...bzdury ! - powtórzę za duchem kardynała

jak niżej w oryginale 

"...“Balivernes! exclaimed the Cardinal’s ghost, [...] “It will burst the bubble of moralizing amour-propre that has made Western policy so consistently idiotic for the past 50 years. There is no balm in Gilead for peoples cursed with a presentiment of extinction.”..."

...choćby przykładem Ukraińców

"...Why should they insist on eliminating the Russian language—not to mention Hungarian and Polish—from within the borders they inherited from Stalin? Why not let Russian speakers have their own schools and their own local government, as Putin proposed a decade ago?..." j.w.



"...Why indeed is there such a thing as a Palestinian? No Arab called himself a Palestinian before Israel declared independence..."[2] tamże

...idąc sytuacyjnie wydaje się zasadnie (...) na skróty stosownym[3] cytatem

"...Jacyś nasi, co właśnie od granicy przybyli,
mówią, że już nie ma żadnych barbarzyńców.

Bez barbarzyńców – cóż poczniemy teraz?
Ci ludzie byli jakimś rozwiązaniem."
- Konstandinos Kawafis "Czekając na barbarzyńców"[4]...


[1] "...World conscience is the universalist idea that with ready global communication, all people on earth will no longer be morally estranged from one another, whether it be culturally, ethnically, or geographically; instead they will conceive ethics from the utopian point of view of the universe, eternity or infinity, rather than have their duties and obligations defined by forces arising solely within the restrictive boundaries of "blood and territory"..." - Conscience - Wikipedia

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