wtorek, 9 maja 2023

...oczywista oczywistość...

"...The United States, a master of the "beggar-thy-ally" scheme, has never wanted a united and autonomous Europe. The distrust and divide in Europe and between the two sides of the Atlantic should be ascribed to self-serving Washington, as reflected by the Ukraine crisis.

Pascal Boniface, director of the Institute for International and Strategic Affairs in Paris, opines that Washington has utilized the crisis to keep Europe permanently dependent on the United States.

By inflaming the Ukraine situation, the United States has reaped considerable profits from Europe, pushing the continent to bear all the painful consequences, such as the energy fiasco and selling it energy at much higher prices when it desperately needed gas. Macron was quoted as saying last year "That is not exactly the meaning of friendship."..."
 - j.n. tym razem dla urozmaicenia narracji za "Rénmín Rìbào"...

...z drugiej strony

...no właśnie...

"nihil novum sub sole" ledwo co wybudzony ze snu Rozum podpowiada...

"ils n'ont pas de pain ? Qu'ils mangent de la brioche..."[1]...

nic nowego pod słońcem - powtórzę w poprawności monologu cytując dalej

"...The Book of Jin, a 7th-century chronicle of the Chinese Jin Dynasty, reports that when Emperor Hui (259–307) of Western Jin was told that his people were starving because there was no rice, he said, "Why don't they eat porridge with (ground) meat?" (何不食肉糜), showing his unfitness.

In 2016, after an ill-received series of articles were published which suggested that out-of-work Kentucky coalminers should "learn to code" in order to support their families, the same phrase has been used repeatedly in cynical repudiation and harassment against journalists who likewise find themselves out of work or are perceived as being out of touch or lacking in journalistic integrity...."

...co  jest w tej kwestii do zacytowania jeszcze tymczasem przy porannym...

kubku kawy...