sobota, 27 maja 2023

..."...If you should think..."...


"...If you should think this looks a little like the case of the Nordstream pipeline, you would not be wrong. The difference is that this was aimed as a political attack on Turkey and Hungary – not to sell US LNG to either, as was the case with Germany..." j.n.

i dalej...

"... If the RQ-4 actually played a role in the preparation for this pipeline attack, the Russians may well change their attitude and start threatening the security of the Black Sea and Bosporus, or even beyond.

Just as the Nordstream operation took a huge risk, now we have yet another that might be even more serious.

While the Germans were threatened and cowed by the United States and shut up about who did Nordstream, the Turks are different.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish President (now facing a runoff election), can play hard and tough.

Such provocations are dangerous and risky."
 j.w.  za "Asia Times" by Stephen Bryen /interlinie T.L./

...a jak przeczytałem to

pomyślałem niemym pytaniem kogo miał na myśli pan Stephen Bryen pisząc

"...If you [...] think..." - Homo czy Homo sapiens ?...

"...Anne Applebaum, a senior fellow at the SNF Agora Institute and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, as well as being a staff writer at The Atlantic who has written extensively about the war in Ukraine and has interviewed Zelenskyy, introduced the Ukrainian leader.

Following the address, Zelenskyy was awarded with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from the university.

It’s Zelenskyy’s first commencement speech since May 2022, three months after Russia invaded his country. In a video address to Stanford graduates, he outlined how the West can support Ukraine and urged students to pursue their passions, as many draftees into the war won’t have the chance to attend college."
j.n. za "Politico" by Matt Berg

...przy okazji "idąc rakiem" niechby tylko do roku 2012...

na dobry początek kolejnego weekendu z nadzieją, że jeszcze tymczasem nie będzie gorszy od każdego minionego

collage © by T.L.
