sobota, 10 czerwca 2023

..."...maybe..." "Asia Times" by Stephen Bryen

...pierwszym z brzegu cytatem

"...We don’t know much about Russian casualties or material losses. We do know that what may have been Ukraine’s best-modernized brigade – the 47th Mechanized, trained in Europe by NATO, equipped with night vision, thermal imaging gear and infantry fighting vehicles including the US Bradley, and backed by a massive amount of artillery including HIMARS – failed to gain ground or roll back the Russians..." j.w. "Big development..."


..."...Maybe; it depends on what Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov meant..." tamże...

i dalej już nie "...maybe..." a...


..."...“Ukraine is ready for negotiations and a peace agreement,” Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said – “if Russia changes the previously declared goals of the special military operation.”..."


If in fact Reznikov is authorized to enter into real negotiations with the Russians, he needs to be able to prove it to the Russians.

If Reznikov is operating on his own authority but represents a significant part of the Ukrainian security apparatus, then his initiative will interest the Russians as a way to crack Ukrainian unity..."

cokolwiek to niechby już tylko samym cytatem w monologu prowincjusza może znaczyć...

i znaczy jeśli czytam

"...No doubt Zelensky got news that he did not want to hear: The Ukrainian offensive is not going well and Ukrainian army losses have been heavy. The Russians have managed to knock out many Ukrainian tanks, including French-supplied AMX-10s and three front-line German Leopard A-6 models (not the A-4 models transferred from Poland).

The Russians also destroyed the critical Hensoldt TRML-4D AESA radar, part of the Iris-T air defense system that was brought up in range to support Ukraine’s forces in the offensive..."...