wtorek, 25 kwietnia 2023

...no to sobie pogadali

...Homo Rochebin 

z Homo sapiens Lu - takie nasze ziemskie "bliskie spotkanie trzeciego stopnia" /w oryginale Stevena Spielberga "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"/....

"...When Rochebin said Crimea belongs to Ukraine according to international law, Lu said former Soviet countries don’t have “effective status in international law.”..."

"...is the son of Alishah [...]" i "Irène [...]"

i zaraz dalej

"...In October 2020, the Swiss daily Le Temps published an investigation containing several testimonies from people claiming to have been sexually harassed, or to have been the subject of an unwanted report, by the journalist at the time of his employment at RTS. The newspaper also reported conversations with minors revolving around sexuality under the cover of false profiles on social networks. Darius Rochebin "firmly denies having engaged in criminally reprehensible acts" and filed a complaint against Le Temps for defamation in December 2020. La Liberté spoke of "Dariusgate"..." - Darius Rochebin - Wikipedia

...z Lu Shaye, chińskim dyplomatą ożenionym z kobietą /Wang Liwen/ "... the couple has a son."[2]

"...Hu Xijin, former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, on Monday published a critique of the French TV program for failing to protect Lu’s right to express himself.

“Lu’s interview is very long. I read his overall statements and found no problem...
" j.w. "Asia Times"

i dalej tamże by Jeff Pao

...“His [Lu Shaye] comments on Ukrainian issues were made within a special context during the interview and should not be singled out and put under a microscope,” Hu says..."..."

...czego sobie też życzę...

grzecznie i...

kontekstowo[3] (...).

[1] "...On October 31, the French-speaking Swiss newspaper Le Temps revealed, citing anonymous sources, that there had been bullying and sexual harassment at RTS for years. Three employees were accused, including former star television presenter Darius Rochebin. He has denied the accusations..." - j.w. "SWI"

[3] "In semiotics, linguistics, sociology and anthropology, context refers to those objects or entities which surround a focal event, in these disciplines typically a communicative event, of some kind. Context is "a frame that surrounds the event and provides resources for its appropriate interpretation". It is thus a relative concept, only definable with respect to some focal event within a frame, not independently of that frame..." - Context (language use) - Wikipedia

"...always to separate sharply the psychological from the logical, the subjective from the objective;never to ask for the meaning of a word in isolation, but only in the context of a propositionnever to lose sight of the distinction between concept and object..." - Gottlob Frege Context principle - Wikipedia