środa, 26 kwietnia 2023

...nie tyle tu sam tytuł jest wart odnotowania...

a to co pod nim mniejszymi literkami

"...[...] Biden doesn’t need NATO for a decision to use ‘volunteers’ in rebadged planes..." j.w. by Stephen Bryen and Shoshana Bryen

pomijając resztę

"...but if he does so, there is plenty of reason to think NATO will collapse anyway – not because NATO is attacked but because NATO was deceived.

Dragging Europe into a big war is something even the dumbest European leaders worry about, and they should. NATO has been skirting disaster for some time now, provoking the Russians beyond reason.

Why NATO is so keen on this course is hard to fathom: Probably it is intense pressure from the United States. Germans know just how reckless the Biden administration can be as they watch the bubbles rising to the surface in the Baltic Sea..."


...po chwili; 

...dopisku nie będzie, czytając...

"...Facebook users who try to share the URL from Hersh's story receive the following message: "Before you share this content, you might want to know that there's additional reporting from Faktisk. Pages and websites that repeatedly publish or share false news will see their overall distribution reduced and be restricted in other ways."

It also includes a link to the month-old article by Faktisk.no, a Norwegian "fact-checking" website produced in cooperation with Norwegian mass media and NRK, Norway's state broadcasting company.

Twitter user "Nuno Marques" posted on April 20 that Hersh's report "is now banned on Facebook and Reddit in Norway" and that the Norwegian government is "demanding censorship of this news as they learned more than half of their citizens were against the Nord Stream bombings!"

Australian journalist Caitlin Johnstone, writing on substack.com on April 21 said, "Facebook does not explain how a 'fact-checking' company which operates in conjunction with Norwegian state media can be regarded as 'independent' regarding an article which explicitly accuses the Norwegian government of extremely egregious crimes.

The Norwegian word Faktisk means "actually" in English.

"But whether you think Hersh's claims are valid or not, his reporting is indisputably a part of the conversation about the Nord Stream sabotage and is newsworthy in itself," Johnstone wrote. "The world's largest social media platform is straightforwardly interfering in news distribution."..."
 - Facebook suppressing Hersh's Nord Stream story - People's Daily Online

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